4th 6 Weeks Assignments

Assignment: 4th Vocabulary
Assignment: 4.1

Additional Links for 4.1

Rate of Weathering Lab

  • This can be done at home using the Lab Worksheet and 4 Alka-Seltzer (or equivalent) tablets
  • Substitute 2/3 cup of water for 150 ml if necessary

Erosion & Weathering Video

Assignment: 4.2

Additional Links for 4.2

Assignment: 4.3

Additional Links for 4.3

Assignment: 4.4

Additional Links for 4.4

Assignment: 4.5

Additional Links for 4.5


How to use the assignment links

  1. It may take some time to download these assignments depending upon your connection speed

  2. The assignments will only open on computers with the Microsoft OneNote Program installed (like the students' laptop computers)

  3. Additional Links (like video clips) will likely be blocked at school but should be available on a home computer with a broadband connection

  4. Once each assignment opens, students will have to copy and paste them into the appropriate section of their Science Notebook (just like they do in class each day)

  5. Completed assignments which are saved in the correct location (Science Notebook - current 6 Weeks section) will upload to the school server the next time the student logs on and opens the OneNote Program at school