Week of Nov 28th–Dec 2nd

Highlights for the week:

Monday 28th:

- Part 1) Review

  1. Check your Gmail for some important information for today!
  2. Check your grades for missing assignments.  The 3rd Progress Reporting Period ends this week! If you complete or improve an assignment, please send me an email with the assignment number so I will know to check it!
  3. Complete the 3.4 weekly reflections from Friday Nov 18th (especially if you were on the field trip or absent that day!).  Here are links to go to the reflections forms for the 3rd Grading Period so far:

- Part 2) New

  1. Test your new Glogster Account to make sure you can access it for tomorrow
  2. Capture an image of your 3.3 Prezi and upload it to your Gdocs 103 student folder (example in part 3 below)
  3. Start a new Pivot animation with a holiday image for a background

- Part 3) Do - Today students will…

  1. Logon to your new Glogster account to make sure it is working. We will start working with your account tomorrow.
  2. Open your 3.3 My Animations Prezi, use IW to capture an image of it, paste it into paint and save it as a JPG called 3.3 Prezi.  Upload the image to your Gdocs 103 collection.  Here’s an example of what it should look like: 
    • image
  3. Start creating a Christmas Tree Decoration (or other Holiday related) Pivot Animation. Save it as a Pivot file with the name 3.6 Holiday.  When it’s complete, save it as a GIF file and upload it to your Gdocs 103 student folder.  It should have a minimum of 25 frames (for Dec 25th!) like this excellent example created by Justin last Spring (but it doesn’t have a background image which you will need in yours!): 
    • Merry Christmas Letters
    • Find a good image to use as a background.  Remember to save as a JPG so you can load it into Pivot.  I used IW to collect some images to use in this example background image (remember to save your file as a JPG so Pivot will recognize it!):
    • image
    • Here’s how to load a background:
    • SNAGHTML7139a7
    • Here’s what it will look like after it’s loaded:
    • image

    - Part 4) Through?

    1. Complete any missing assignments.  Look in the 103 student demo folder for examples of what you should have completed!  If you complete or improve an assignment, please send me an email with the assignment number so I will know to check it!
    2. Explore some of these EDU Glogs for ideas: http://edu.glogster.com/glogpedia/

      Tuesday 29th:

      - Part 1) Review

      1. Check your Gmail for lists of students who completed 3.3 and 3.6 yesterday
      2. The 3rd Progress Reporting Period ends this week! If you complete or improve an assignment, please send me an email with the assignment number so I will know to check it!

      - Part 2) New

      1. An important note about Glogster!
        • Glogster EDU accounts are created by teachers for their students, and as a result, teachers have complete control over the content and visibility of student Glogs. If you have any doubts at all about whether or not something you would like to add to a Glog is appropriate or not, choose something else that you are certain is appropriate to use instead!  If you have to ask, that indicates doubt… choose something else!  If I have any doubts I will remove the content of concern, or the entire Glog, or your entire account (and I sincerely hope I don’t have to do any of these!)
      2. View the ABC News intro video on Glogster
      3. View video tutorials on how to add a wall, a page wall, and text to a new practice Glog called ‘About Me!

      - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

      1. Create a new practice Glog called ‘About Me!’: Click here to logon to Glogster and click here to see your Glogster nickname and password 
        • Design a Wall and Page Wall
        • Divide your Glog into sections for each of the following and compile text and images for each section:
          • Fun - hobbies, interests, accomplishments, etc.
          • Foods - favorite foods and snacks
          • Favorites - add a couple of images of your favorite things which you’ve made in this class, like backgrounds, flamepaints, sumopaints, bomomos, 3d Sketches, or Pivot animated GIFs
          • Family and friends – Make a Wordle or Tagxedo of the first names of the most important people (and pets!) in your life
      2. Complete assignments 3.3 Prezi image and 3.6 Holiday GIF from yesterday and upload them to your Gdocs 103 Student Folder.  These are due Friday!  Open the 103 Student Demo folder to see examples of every assignment which you should have in your 103 Student folder!  image

      - Part 4) Through?

      1. Complete any missing assignments. Look in the 103 student demo folder for examples of what you should have completed! If you complete or improve an assignment, please send me an email with the assignment number so I will know to check it!
      2. Explore some of these EDU Glogs for ideas: http://edu.glogster.com/glogpedia/

        Wednesday 30th:

        - Part 1) Review

        1. Please check your Gmail every day for the latest information and to make sure the other links below in this Blog work!
        2. The 3rd Progress Reporting Period ends this week! If you complete or improve an assignment, please send me an email with the assignment number so I will know to check it!  Open the 103 Student Demo folder to see examples of every assignment which you should have in your 103 Student folder! image
        3. Here’s the forecast… looks like rain this weekend Smile Sad smile
          • image
        4. Reminders about Glogster!
          • Glogster EDU accounts are created by teachers for their students, and as a result, teachers have complete control over the content and visibility of student Glogs. If you have any doubts at all about whether or not something you would like to add to a Glog is appropriate or not, choose something else that you are certain is appropriate to use instead! If you have to ask, that indicates doubt… choose something else! If I have any doubts I will remove the content of concern, or the entire Glog, or your entire account (and I sincerely hope I don’t have to do any of these!)
          • Your Glogster account is web-based, so it’s available anywhere with an internet connection at anytime!
          • Glogster Video tutorials are available in this folder in your Gdocs Recsources collection anytime you need them.

        - Part 2) New

        1. View screencast on the Demo Glog About Mr. Mercer
          • Glogs
        2. View more tutorial clips on the following:
          • Adding Hyperlinks and Graphics (Layering and Cloning)
          • Adding Images and Frames

        - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

        1. Logon to your Glogster account here: http://edu.glogster.com/login/
          • Nickname = First name + Last initial + BMS (caps not required)
          • Password = 6 digit lunch code (including leading zero if you have one)
        2. Continue to develop your ‘About Me’ Glog and enhance it with Images, Graphics and Links to useful information 
          • Remember to divide your Glog into sections for each of the following and compile text and images for each section:
            • Fun - hobbies, interests, accomplishments, etc.
            • Foods - favorite foods and snacks
            • Favorites - add a couple of images of your favorite things which you’ve made in this class, like backgrounds, flamepaints, sumopaints, bomomos, 3d Sketches, or Pivot animated GIFs
            • Family and friends – Idea: make a Wordle or Tagxedo of the first names of the most important people (and pets!) in your life
        3. Complete assignments 3.3 Prezi image and 3.6 Holiday GIF from yesterday and upload them to your Gdocs 103 Student Folder. These are due Friday!

        - Part 4) Through?

        1. Complete any missing assignments. Look in the 103 student demo folder for examples of what you should have completed! If you complete or improve an assignment, please send me an email with the assignment number so I will know to check it!
        2. Explore some of these EDU Glogs for ideas: http://edu.glogster.com/glogpedia/

          Thursday Dec 1st:

          - Part 1) Review

          1. Please check your Gmail
          2. Please check your grades.  All grades have been entered, so if the Progress Reporting period ended today, what you see in your grades now for this class is what you would get.
          3. The 3rd Progress Reporting Period ends tomorrow!  Open the 103 Student Demo folder to see examples of every assignment which you should have in your 103 Student folder!
            •   image

          - Part 2) New

          1. Today is a workday to complete missing assignments for Progress Reports and to work on your About Me Glogs.  There will be no new assignments added for today!
          2. Folder contents review for Progress Reports individually by student

          - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

          1. Complete any missing assignments for Progress Reports!
          2. Continue to develop your ‘About Me’ Glog and enhance it with Images, Graphics and Links to useful information
            • Logon to your Glogster account here: http://edu.glogster.com/login/
              • Nickname = First name + Last initial + BMS (caps not required)
              • Password = 6 digit lunch code (including leading zero if you have one)
            • Remember to divide your Glog into sections for each of the following and compile text and images for each section:
              • Fun - hobbies, interests, accomplishments, etc.
              • Foods - favorite foods and snacks
              • Favorites - add a couple of images of your favorite things which you’ve made in this class, like backgrounds, flamepaints, sumopaints, bomomos, 3d Sketches, or Pivot animated GIFs
              • Family and friends – Idea: make a Wordle or Tagxedo of the first names of the most important people (and pets!) in your life
              • image

            - Part 4) Through?

            1. Complete any missing assignments. Look in the 103 student demo folder for examples of what you should have completed! 
            2. Explore some of these EDU Glogs for ideas: http://edu.glogster.com/glogpedia/

              Friday 2nd:

              - Part 1) Review

              1. Please check your Gmail
              2. Please check your grades.
              3. The 3rd Progress Reporting Period ends today! Open the 103 Student Demo folder to see examples of every assignment which you should have in your 103 Student folder!
                • image
              4. The forecast for Mon/Tues of next week is COLD!image

              - Part 2) New

              1. Please complete the 3.7 Weekly Reflections Form for this week!
              2. Check out this World’s Biggest Bug eating a carrot!

              - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

              1. Complete any missing assignments for Progress Reports!
              2. Continue to develop your ‘About Me’ Glog and enhance it with Images, Graphics and Links to useful information
                • Logon to your Glogster account here: http://edu.glogster.com/login/
                  • Nickname = First name + Last initial + BMS (caps not required)
                  • Password = 6 digit lunch code (including leading zero if you have one)
                • Remember to divide your Glog into sections for each of the following and compile text and images for each section:
                  • Fun - hobbies, interests, accomplishments, etc.
                  • Foods - favorite foods and snacks
                  • Favorites - add a couple of images of your favorite things which you’ve made in this class, like backgrounds, flamepaints, sumopaints, bomomos, 3d Sketches, or Pivot animated GIFs
                  • Family and friends – Idea: make a Wordle or Tagxedo of the first names of the most important people (and pets!) in your life
                  • image

              - Part 4) Through?

              1. Complete any missing assignments. Look in the 103 student demo folder for examples of what you should have completed!
              2. Explore some of these EDU Glogs for ideas: http://edu.glogster.com/glogpedia/

              Week of Nov 14th–Nov 18th

              Highlights for the week:

              Monday 14th:

              - Part 1) Review

              1. Logon to your Gmail so the Khan Academy logon below will work correctly!
              2. I’m out at Jury Duty today so please do a good job and I’ll see you all tomorrow

              - Part 2) New

              1. Introduce Draw a Stickman activity (the link to this is on part 3, step 1 below) 
                • draw stickman
                • stickman

              - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

              1. Create your own stickman animation  
              2. Enhance your Presentation:  Open your 3.1 Presentation (in your Gdocs 103 folder) and follow the instructions below.  View my example 3.1 Presentation for some ideas! (It’s also in the 103 Student Demo folder)
                1. Add a new slide 3 (red arrow)
                2. Insert your ocean frame JPG (blue arrow)
                3. Add the URL in a textbox at the top so you can find it again (green arrow)
                4. Add some other image at the bottom of the ocean
                5. 3.1 w stickman
              3. Practice your Math skills: Logon to Khan Academy (using your Gmail address and password) and complete your next Math activity

              - Part 4) Through?

              1. View the Stickman Gallery here
              2. View these cool island vacation site images: http://freshome.com/2011/10/29/ultimate-holiday-retreat-ayada-maldives-resort/
                • image

                Tuesday 15th:

                - Part 1) Review

                1. Please check your Gmail!
                2. Looks like some rain in the forecast for today, but it should be clearing up by the time you go home today. It should be much cooler tomorrow morning (near 40 degrees) 
                  • image
                  • image

                - Part 2) New

                1. Introduce Artpad:  http://artpad.art.com/artpad/painter/ 

                - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

                1. Create an Artpad sketch and then copy the URL (fill out the form to send it to yourself) 
                  •  image
                2. Create a New Prezi using the Our Project Template and name it 3.3 My Animations 
                  • Create areas for Artpad and Stickman creations and add the URLs to your creations by the screencaptures which you add
                  • Use this Prezi with instructions added as a Demo of what to do: http://prezi.com/l7knb0ut4v_n/my-animations/
                  • image
                3. Create a new Stickman Animation at http://www.drawastickman.com/  and capture each frame to add to your Prezi in the Stickman Frame

                - Part 4) Through?

                1. Practice with Pivot, which we will be adding to our 3.3 My Animations Prezi soon!

                  Wednesday 16th:

                  - Part 1) Review

                  1. Please check your Gmail and make sure you can access your calendar (we will be adding an event to it today)!
                    • image

                  - Part 2) New

                  1. Add the Thanksgiving Holiday Week to your Calendar: Choose the month view (red arrow) then click on the 21st (blue arrow) then click on Edit event (green oval)
                    • image
                    • Type (or copy and paste) Thanksgiving Holiday! in the box (red arrow) then click on the end date box (blue arrow) then click on the 25th (green arrow) and Save your entry (purple oval)
                    • image

                  - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

                  1. Review how to use the 3D sketch Pad 
                    • Here are some examples of 3D sketches: Hold down the space bar while dragging left and right to rotate these sketches
                    • Create and capture a 3D Sketch and URL and add them to the next section of your 3.3 My Animations Prezi. To get the URL, click Save & Share (green oval) and highlight and copy the URL from the box
                    • image
                  2. View my example Prezi to guide you as you add captures and links from each of these following animation tools 

                  - Part 4) Through?

                  1. Create a cover for our yearbook using any of the tools which we have learned.  Save your creations as Yearbook1, Yearbook2, etc., in your Gdocs 103 folder.

                    Thursday 17th:

                    - Part 1) Review

                    1. Check your Gmail
                    2. Here’s the weather forecast for the next few days

                    - Part 2) New

                    1. Introduce Pivot (view tutorial video – any volunteers to create a better tutorial?)
                      • PivotProgram

                    - Part 3) Do - Today students will… 


                        •  piF
                    1. Create a pivot animation which shows what might happen if gravity suddenly reversed itself (things that normally fall would float to the top of the animation window and things that normally float like balloons would drop to the bottom)
                      • Capture at least 5 key frames from your animation and design and integrate them to your Prezi
                    2. View my example Prezi to guide you as you add captures and links from each of these following animation tools

                    - Part 4) Through?

                    1. Create a cover for our yearbook using any of the tools which we have learned. Save your creations as Yearbook1, Yearbook2, etc., in your Gdocs 103 folder.

                      Friday 18th: Have a great Thanksgiving Holiday!

                      - Part 1) Review

                      1. Please check your Gmail for an awesome student-created animation (and a cool quote)
                      2. Today you need to
                        1. Complete your weekly reflections form (link in Part 3 below)
                        2. Upload your Pivot animation as a Gif file to your 103 student Gdocs folder so I can find some great examples to share with you over the holidays
                        3. Capture 5 snapshots of your Pivot animation and add them to your 3.3 My Animations Prezi

                      - Part 2) New

                      1. View how to save your Pivot animation as an animated Gif file named 3.5 Gravity and upload it to your 103 student folder
                        • image

                      - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

                      1. Reflect on your week by completing your 3.4 Weekly Reflections form #12
                      2. Complete and upload your Pivot animation
                      3. View the Friday Video Clips Collection

                      - Part 4) Through?

                      1. Create a cover for our yearbook using any of the tools which we have learned. Save your creations as Yearbook1, Yearbook2, etc., in your Gdocs 103 folder.
                      2. Make an awesome Christmas Pivot animation like the one in your Gmail for today!

                      Week of Nov 7th–Nov 11th

                      Highlights for the week:

                      Monday 7th:

                      - Part 1) Review

                      1. Check your Gmail for some information regarding organizing your 103 Student Gdocs Collection and using animated GIFs in your signature line

                      - Part 2) New

                      1. Organize our 103 Student Gdocs collections (read your gmail to see how to do this!)
                      2. Add a signature line and an animated GIF to our gmails (view this Prezi for instructions)
                      3. Explore this site and create some cool designs and backgrounds: http://bomomo.com/ to add to a new Gdoc Presentation called 3.1 Presentation.  Here are some examples from your resources collection:  Web Sketches Presentation

                      - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

                      1. Choose an animated GIF file to use in your gmail signature Line from one of these collections 
                      2. Create some cool new backgrounds like the examples in this presentation at  http://bomomo.com/
                        • image
                      3. Add your favorite new background to a new Gdoc Presentation called 3.1 Presentation 

                        - Part 4) Through?

                        1. Work on a yearbook cover design using Bomomo, Flamepaint or Sumopaint!

                          Tuesday 8th: Picture day during Science classes

                          - Part 1) Review

                          1. Tomorrow is an early release day.  Here’s the bell schedule for tomorrow
                          2. Check your 2nd 6 weeks grades (all grades for my classes have been entered)
                          3. Check your gmail for instructions regarding Prezi.  Try to follow the instructions on your own!
                          4. There’s a cold front coming this afternoon… here’s the Forecast:
                            • image

                          - Part 2) New

                          1. Discuss Prezi gmail
                          2. View example presentation with animations which we will add today:  3.1 Presentation (Mr. Mercer)

                          - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

                          1. Open your 3.1 Presentation from yesterday and add the following to slide 2
                            • Add a text box with a link to Bomomo at the top (you can copy and paste this green text:  http://bomomo.com/ )
                            • Add one shape from each of the 4 categories (shapes, Arrows, Callouts, Equations) and change the size and color of each shape
                            • image 
                            • Add a different animation to each of your 4 shapes (right-click on the symbol to add or use ‘Insert Animation’ and use the options on the right side panel)
                            • image
                            • SNAGHTML8c4cf9
                            • Use the play button to test your animation
                            • When you’ve finished, choose ‘Start Presentation’ to test your effects!
                            • Here’s my example presentation with effects 3.1 Presentation (Mr. Mercer)
                          2. Explore these links for animated GIF files
                          3. Create some more cool designs and backgrounds at Bomomo to add to your Gdoc Presentation called 3.1 Presentation
                            • Save them as JPG files in your S-drive for use later!
                            • Here’s another link to the site:  http://bomomo.com/

                          - Part 4) Through?

                          1. Work on a yearbook cover design using Bomomo, Flamepaint or Sumopaint!

                            Wednesday 9th: Early Release Day (school ends at 1:50!)

                            - Part 1) Review

                            1. Early Release Day Bell Schedule
                            2. Check your Gmail for instructions on how to create a Khan Academy account.  Try to follow the steps on your own!
                            3. Check your Gmail to make sure your 3.1 Presentation is saved in the correct place (there’s a list of those who have done this correctly)
                            4. 1st period today will need to recreate their 3.1 Presentation by starting over again with the New Presentation Editor selected.  (Unfortunately, your old 3.1 Presentation will not convert to the new format, so you can delete it).

                            - Part 2) New

                            1. Create a Khan Academy Account

                            - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

                            1. Try any Khan Academy Practice section so I can be sure your account has been created successfully and that you’ve added me as a Coach (10 correct answers in a row mean you ‘pass’ a section) 
                            2. Complete your 3.1 Presentation assignment from yesterday and please make sure it’s in your 103 folder! 
                              • 1st Period will have to make a new 3.1 Presentation using the New Editor.  Unfortunately, the old one will not convert :(

                            - Part 4) Through?

                            1. Work on a yearbook cover design using Bomomo, Flamepaint or Sumopaint!
                            2. Browse Khan Academy for anything you find interesting!

                              Thursday 10th:

                              - Part 1) Review

                              1. Check your Gmail to make sure your 3.1 Presentation is saved in the correct place (there’s a list of those who have done this correctly)
                              2. Ask your other teachers to create accounts so they can see what you are accomplishing! (read more about this in your gmail)

                              - Part 2) New

                              1. View the Prezi Tutorial video

                              - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

                              1. Create your Prezi account by following the directions on this Gdoc (also in your Gdoc Resources  collection): 
                              2. Start a new Prezi and name it with your First Name followed by the number 1 …for example, Mark1.  Try the built-in tutorial!
                              3. Explore the tools and features available in the Bubble Menu.  We will step through the tutorial video as we explore the options 
                                • image
                              4. Logon to your Khan Academy account and complete 1 more practice session (so I can share your work with other teachers!).  Here’s a link to Khan Academy: http://www.khanacademy.org/

                              - Part 4) Through?

                              1. View some Prezis made by others on the Explore tab of your Prezi account
                                • image

                                Friday 11th:

                                - Part 1) Review

                                1. Check your Gmail!
                                2. Here are some interesting photos of the Dead Sea. Can you find where it’s located on Google Maps?

                                - Part 2) New

                                1. Check your Gdocs 103 folder for your 3.1 Presentation (it should have 4 animations in it!)
                                2. Please complete 3.2 Weekly Reflections Form #11

                                - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

                                1. Practice with Prezi 
                                  • Here’s an interesting Prezi Design to explore (hover over the image to see the link!)
                                  • image 
                                2. View the Friday Video clips!

                                - Part 4) Through?

                                1. Please consider creating a yearbook cover! 
                                  • Save your design as ‘Yearbook’ in your Gdocs 103 folder