Wed Sep 30th

General Plan:

  1. Review for and take the 1st 6 weeks test
Links and Tasks for today: (save files to your desktop before opening!)
  • Please switch to LanSchool channel 3308 (I’ll be monitoring your review)
  • Play Jeopardy review game on your own or with a partner
    1. open the link above
    2. resize your Excel window so it’s about the size of the gameboard
    3. click on the gameboard values to choose your question
    4. click on the question to see the answer
    5. click on the answer to go to the scoring screen
    6. enter your score (optional) and click on the word Gameboard to return to the game
    7. If you click in the wrong place and see a strange looking symbol, click on the tab that says Gameboard at the bottom of your Excel window
  • Take 6 weeks exam
Additional Information:
  • PreAP classes: please name your file ‘project1’ with no spaces and save it to your S-drive folder.  It’s due this Friday!  Early turn-ins get extra credit (I’ll use the file modified date to determine the completed date for extra credit).

Tues Sep 29th

General Plan:

  1. View unusual animal species
  2. Introduce new Biogeography concepts and terms
  3. Review for 1st 6 weeks test (which we will take Wednesday!)
Links and Tasks for today: (save files to your desktop before opening!)
Additional Information:
  • PreAP Invasive Species project example .  This is due Friday, but you can receive 1 extra credit point for each day this project is completed early.
  • If you make an electronic version of your project (using InterWrite, OneNote, PowerPoint, etc), please name your file ‘project1’ with no spaces and save it to your S-drive folder so I can find it easily!

Mon Sep 28th

General Plan:

  1. This is the last week of the 1st 6 weeks grading period.  Please check your online grades for missing assignments, especially near the end of the week.
  2. Today and tomorrow we will be looking at perhaps the biggest threat to our environment today… the loss of biodiversity.  The first link below shows the current assessment of that threat.
  3. Next, we’ll look at a very diverse location (the Ngorongoro Crater) which is actually a volcano caldera.
  4. Then, we will review information using InterWrite software on 1) Food Chains and Webs and Energy Pyramids and then 2) on Primary and Secondary Succession.  These should be saved to your desktop, then opened and edited and finally saved in your S-drive folder to be graded.
  5. Finally, we will look at some video clips on the topic of Biodiversity.
Links and Tasks for today: (save files to your desktop before opening!)
Additional Information:
  • PreAP Invasive Species project example .  This is due Friday, but you can receive 1 extra credit point for each day this project is turned in early.  If you make an electronic version of your project (using InterWrite, OneNote, PowerPoint, etc), please name your file ‘project1’ with no spaces and save it to your S-drive folder so I can find it easily!

Fri Sep 25th

General Plan:

  1. View summary information on Earth’s Biomes
  2. Complete your Biomes Gallery Walk project today!  It consists of 3 parts:
Links and Tasks for today: (save files to your desktop before opening!)
 Additional Information:

Thurs Sep 24th

General Plan:

  1. Complete the Biomes research posters and Gallery Walk results matrix
  2. Students who are absent can complete the Gallery Walk results matrix (PDF version) by viewing the information the groups have posted on the web (link to posted information)
  3. Pre-AP classes will have the remainder of the period to work on their Invasive Species in Texas project
  4. 5th Period: Most students have not completed these Reflection Questions.  Please check your grades online and if you see a zero for Ecology Reflection Questions, click on this link to go to the online form.  Here are the completion rates for those reflection questions by class period:


Links and Tasks for today: (save files to your desktop before opening!)
Additional Information:

Wed Sep 23rd

General Plan:

  1. Today we will be researching Biomes (in groups of no larger than 3 students per biome),
  2. Groups will be required to complete the following (in order):
    • Choose group members (no more than 3 students per group) and a Biome to research
    • Use the Missouri Botanical Garden link (or other web or textbook resources) to research the biome
    • Enter the results in an online information collection form (one entry per group)
    • Create a gallery walk poster (one poster per group) with the required information: (biome description, location, 2 facts, 2 plants, 2 animals)
    • Use the results matrix form to collect information from other groups (every student completes their own results matrix!)
Links and Tasks for today: (save to your desktop before opening!)
Additional Information:
  • What is a Biome? A biome is a large geographical area of distinctive plant and animal groups, which are adapted to that particular environment. The climate and geography of a region determines what type of biome can exist in that region.
  • Everything you need for today’s activity can be found at the Missouri Botanical Garden’s Biomes information research link; however, here are some additional related links in case you would like to learn more:

Tues Sep 22nd

General Plan:

  1. View and discuss typical TAKS style food web questions
  2. Read about Succession and Equilibrium in Ecosystems
  3. View the Mount St. Helens eruption and its effects on the local Ecosystems
Links and Tasks for today: (save to your desktop before opening!)
  • Food Web warm-up questions 
  • Ecological Succession section summary
  • Ecological Succession summary questions
  • View the Mount St. Helens eruption video (this can only be viewed in class, so students who are absent today will be excused from this assignment and the related questions)
  • Mount St. Helens eruption video questions
Additional Information:

    Pre-AP Project #1 Links and Information

    Related Links
    Additional Information:

    Mon Sep 21st

    General Plan:

    1. Check logon information for ePals, Student Access (grades), and the Jason Project
    2. Introduce the Jason Project Mission 2 (The Survivors)
    3. Discuss Pre-AP project #1
    Links and Tasks for today: (save to your desktop before opening!)
    Additional Information:
    • Please check your grades online to see if you have completed the Reflection Questions from last week… if not, please do so.  The online form will no longer be available online soon!  (paper copies will be available until the end of this grading period).

    Fri Sep 18th

    General Plan:

    1. Examine several cases of invasive species in the US
    2. Complete the Food Web Cubes activity which we started last class
    3. Distribute Student Access Logon information
    Links and Tasks for today: (save to your desktop before opening!)
    Additional Information:
    • Please carefully guard your ePals email and Student Access logon information!

    Thurs Sep 17th

    General Plan:

    1. Summarize information regarding Energy Flow in Ecosystems
    2. Create Food Web Cubes for later use in Energy Pyramids

    Links and Tasks for today: (save to your desktop before opening!)

    Additional Information:

    • Students will be receiving ePals email account logon information and Student Access gradebook logon information this week

    Wed Sep 16th

    General Plan:

    1. Review the Food Webs concept and components
    2. Distribute ePals email accounts
    3. Create and test logon (with ePals account) to the Jason Project

    Links and Tasks for today: (save to your desktop before opening!)

    Additional Information:

    • Missing assignments may be completed up until the end of the 1st 6 Weeks reporting period.

    Tues Sep 15th

    General Plan:

    1. Explore the mussels invasion using InterWrite and Google Earth
    2. View photos of Niagara Falls
    3. Complete Reflection Questions Form
    Links and Tasks for today: (save to your desktop before opening!)
    Additional Information:

    Mon Sep 14st

    General Plan:

    1. Read and discuss the Jason Project Information on Ecology
    2. Introduce EtherPad for group collaboration
    3. Practice InterWrite functions through Ecosystems Word Search
    Links and Tasks for today: (save to your desktop before opening!)
    Additional Information:

    Friday Sep 11th

    General Plan:

    1. Clarify the purposes for and uses of Dichotomous Keys (D-Keys)
    2. Complete D-Keys lab packets
    3. Complete missing assignments for the 1st Progress Reporting Period

    Links and Tasks for today: (save to your desktop before opening!)

    Additional Information:

    • The progress reporting period ends today; however, missing assignments may be completed up until the end of the 1st 6 Weeks reporting period
    • Students may get help with assignments in my room before school any school day, or after school on even calendar days (I have duty until 4:20pm on odd calendar days)
    • Students who are failing after today will be selected to receive extra help during Den Time (details to be explained in class)