Week of Jan 31st–Feb 4th

Highlights for the week: 

  • Prepare for COLD weather this week starting Wednesday morning!

Monday 31st:

- Review

  1. Agendas out and copy yellow
  2. Logon to your Google Account using Firefox.  Check the list of missing folders for folder problems so we can correct the problems and view your work!
  3. Check your Gmail for replies from your teachers

- New

  1. Discuss grades and the importance of extra credit
  2. View student reflections from last week while you’re waiting for everyone to get logged on
  3. View Student Creations work collection update clip
  4. View clip: The Internet of Things
  5. View clip: Google Maps intro
  6. Demo Streetview Gallery so you know what to do in the next section

- Do 

  1. Go to the Global Explorer tab from the Google Maps Home page and browse the page
  2. Click on the World Landmarks link and browse the landmarks (like the Colosseum)in street view as well as the sites on the scroll menu at the top (like Hawaii Beaches) or the Ski Slopes and the Whistler Village Stroll
  3. Use your Windows+S keys to capture your favorite views (make sure OneNote is open if the key combination doesn’t work for you)
  4. Create a Photovisi collage of your favorite places. 
  5. Name your collage ‘Travel’ and upload it to your 103 folder so I can see it too!

- Through?

  1. View these snow photos
  2. Try a Google Special Search on the weather for this week (you can use our 78602 zipcode for the search)
  3. Try this Goofram search on Absolute Zero, which is the coldest anything can possibly get!

Tuesday 1st:

- Review

  1. Agendas out and copy yellow
  2. Logon to your Google Account using Firefox.  
  3. Check your Gmail for replies from your teachers

- New

  1. Midwest Storm Information and Weather Channel temperature maps for the nation
  2. Explore these Google Earth Links:

- Do 

  1. Complete your Photovisi collage of your favorite places from yesterday. 
  2. Name your collage ‘Travel’ and upload it to your 103 folder so I can see it too!
  3. Capture at least 6 images of your favorite places in Google Earth for a later project. 
  4. Save the images in your Pictures folder

- Through?

  1. View these latest images from Mars
  2. Complete any missing assignments (Collages and Wordles) and upload them to your 103 folder in Google Docs

Wednesday 2nd:

- Review

  1. Agendas out and copy yellow
  2. Logon to your Google Account using Firefox.  
  3. Check your Gmail

- New

  1. View Geogreeting
  2. View this example Geogreeting
  3. View video this tutorial on creating kmz files in Google Earth
  4. View Mangroves Tour
  5. View the Local Places Tour
  6. View the Google Earth Outreach Site to explore later

- Do 

  1. Open the Local Places.kmz filethere’s a copy here:

    J:\bmercer\TODAY\Screencasts (Daily)\4th 6 Weeks Screencasts

  2. Browse through the Local Places tour
  3. Create your own tour with at least 3 stops
  4. Save your tour as Tour1 and upload it to your 103 folder
  5. Explore the Google Earth Outreach Tutorials site

- Through?

  1. View these blizzard update photos and this storm news info site

Thursday 3rd:

- Review

  1. Agendas out and copy yellow
  2. Logon to your Google Account using Firefox.  

- New

  1. Introduce Interwrite (screencapture and export functions)

- Do 

  1. View this coordinates spreadsheet (or this G-Doc) and copy/past coordinates into Google Maps
  2. Practice using InterWrite (IW) to capture and arrange images from Google Maps (or practice drawing if there’s a power outage!)
  3. Create and export an IW collage of your photos
  4. Name your export file World Tour 1 and upload it to your 103 folder

- Through?

  1. View blizzard photos update
  2. View Animal Tracks images from Jan 23rd-30th

Friday 4th: School has been cancelled today due to weather.  Enjoy the snow!

  1. Check out the Media Shows from this Week!

Additional Help and Information:

  1. YouTube How-to Videos for this class
  2. G-Apps How2 Videos
  3. Prezis
  4. TED talks (browse TED talks list)

Week of Jan 24th–Jan 28th

Highlights for the week: 

  • There will be unusual schedules nearly every day this week except for Tuesday due to guest speaker (Mon), early release (Wed), and practice testing (Thurs & Fri)

Monday 24th:

- Review

  1. Agendas out and copy yellow
  2. Turn-in G-Apps permission forms. MISSING FORMS will lead to Parent Contact and then lunch detention and finally ISS unless there’s a green highlight by your name in the Assignments Track Sheet (which means you already have an account). It is critical for this class that you get this form turned in!
  3. Check the Assignments Track Sheet and your grades online.  Progress Report grades are due by 5pm tomorrow.

- New

  1. Bell schedule for today
  2. Logon to your Google Account and check to make sure you have created and shared (with me) a 103 folders in G-Docs
  3. View Sumo Paint demo video and 8th Grade Island Map Examples. View some demo images.

- Do 

  1. Create a Wordle (capture your Wordle and paste it in 1N-practice-pictures file, save with a user-code NOT your name, and enter your code in the Wordle locator form)
  2. If you need ideas for Wordles, use this link: Famous speeches
  3. Upload your Wordles to your desktop and upload them to your 103 folder
  4. Use this form Wordle locator form if you would like to find your Wordles online again
  5. Create a custom Island map using SumoPaint.  Upload an image to get you started and then use the custom brush sets to help you with your map.

- Through?

  1. View these National Geographic Award-Winning Photos from 2009

Tuesday 25th:

- Review

  1. Agenda Check Today: Agendas out (and open for me to check) and copy yellow
  2. Logon to your Google Account using Firefox and check to make sure you have created a 103 folder in your Docs and shared it with me!  Here’s a list of missing folders
  3. Check the Assignments Track Sheet and your grades online.  Progress Report grades are due today!

- New

  1. View Student Links Map: Discuss bright green links
  2. 103 folder check (missing or not shared folders list).  Please create a 103 folder and share it with me if you have not already done so!  You should have these 6 things in your folders: Thanks activity, sc1 (software), sc2 sumo, at least 2 photovisi collages, and Wordle 1 image
  3. Logon to your Google Account and open Gmail
  4. View How2 video clips: Create Contacts and Groups in Gmail
  5. Access the email address list through the Student Links Map

- Do 

  1. Create Gmail contacts for all of your teachers
  2. Create a Gmail contacts group called (My Teachers) and add the email addresses for all of your teachers to the group.  Check your grades online to see your teachers names if you need to.
  3. Compose an email to your teachers (using your new ‘My Teachers’ gmail group). Paste this phrase in the email (with your first and last name added where the blank is): Hi!  My name is _____ and I’m testing my new gmail account by sending you this email.  Please reply to let me know you have received this.  Thank you!
  4. Complete your Wordles and upload them to your 103 folder.  Create a Username and save your Wordle Creations to the web.  Find your web Wordles again by using this link with your username in place of 103:   http://www.wordle.net/gallery?username=103
  5. Continue experimenting with SumoPaint.  If you create something cool that you would like to share, upload it to your 103 folder!

- Through?

  1. Explore Life is Earth Site
  2. View the slideshow of the World Sand Sculpture Championship

Wednesday 26thThis is an early release day (Early Release Bell Schedule)

- Review

  1. Agendas out and copy yellow
  2. Logon to your Google Account using Firefox and check to make sure you have created a 103 folder in your Docs and shared it with me!  Here’s a list of missing folders
  3. Check your Gmail for replies from your teachers

- New

  1. Try Wordle Advanced (which works great with phrases!)
  2. Copy this Wordle Advanced Form to your G-Docs and experiment with it (there’s a copy in the J-drive Today folder).  Use this link to find color codes.
  3. Save your experiments and choose a username to find them again (usernames are case sensitive!)
  4. Find your web Wordles again by using this link with your username in place of 103:  http://www.wordle.net/gallery?username=103  (as an example, try 709Share)
  5. Use this form Wordle locator form if you would like me to store your Wordle username for you

- Do 

  1. Create a custom Wordle and save it to your 103 folder as Wordle2
  2. Create a Username and save your Wordle Creations to the web.
  3. Complete yesterday’s Gmail assignment
  4. Continue experimenting with SumoPaint.  If you create something cool that you would like to share, upload it to your 103 folder!
  5. Check your 103 folder to make sure it has these 7 things in it: Thanks activity, sc1 (software), sc2 sumo, at least 2 photovisi collages, and Wordle 1 and 2 images

- Through?

  1. View this World’s Largest Passenger Ship Prezi (no path is set - browse photos by clicking on them)

Thursday 27th: This is a testing day with a modified bell schedule

- Review

  1. Periods 4 – 7 will meet today after testing
  2. 103 folder check:  Make sure it has these 7 things in it: Thanks activity, sc1 (software), sc2 sumo, at least 2 Photovisi collages, and Wordle 1 and Wordle 2 images
  3. Missing 103 folders (or folders not shared):
  • 2nd Period:  Matthew
  • 5th Period:  Darryl, Jose, Kaedie, Luis
  • 6th Period:  Conrad, Matthew
  • 7th Period: Alejandro, Brianna, Brittany, Kylie, Russell

- New

  1. View examples of student work
  2. Introduce the Wolfram Alpha computational search engine
  3. View WA Introduction Video Clip1 and Clip2 and Tour Webpage
  4. Try the following WA Searches (copy and paste 10 coin tosses ).  Try the same search in Goofram and compare your results

- Do 

  1. View ‘This Semester at a Glance Prezi’ to give you some ideas for the weekly reflection form
  2. Complete the Reflections for the Week Form (There’s an important new question this week)
  3. Try 3 searches in WA or Goofram and email me with what you searched for in each of your 3 searches
  4. Try any of these special Google Searches
  5. Complete or upload any missing assignments from your 103 Folder

- Through?

  1. View the snow storm photos from this week
  2. If you missed any of these, check them out now:

Friday 28thThis is a testing day with a modified bell schedule

- Review

  1. Periods 1-4 will meet today after testing, so this plan is repeated from yesterday! (Yes, 4th period meets both days!)
  2. 103 folder check:  Make sure it has these 7 things in it: Thanks activity, sc1 (software), sc2 sumo, at least 2 Photovisi collages, and Wordle 1 and Wordle 2 images
  3. Missing 103 folders (or folders not shared):  2nd Period:  Matthew

- New

  1. View examples of student work
  2. Introduce the Wolfram Alpha computational search engine
  3. View WA Introduction Video Clip1 and Clip2 and Tour Webpage
  4. Try the following WA Searches (copy and paste 10 coin tosses ).  Try the same search in Goofram and compare your results

- Do 

  1. View ‘This Semester at a Glance Prezi’ to give you some ideas for the weekly reflection form
  2. Complete the Reflections for the Week Form (There’s an important new question this week)
  3. Try 3 searches in WA or Goofram and email me with what you searched for in each of your 3 searches
  4. Try any of these special Google Searches
  5. Complete or upload any missing assignments from your 103 Folder

- Through?

  1. View the snow storm photos from this week
  2. Check out the Media Shows from this Week!

Additional Help and Information:

  1. YouTube How-to Videos for this class
  2. G-Apps How2 Videos
  3. Prezis
  4. TED talks (browse TED talks list)

Week of Jan 17th–Jan 21st

Highlights for the week: 

  • Begin   

Monday 17thHoliday!

Tuesday 18th:

- Review

  1. Agendas out and copy yellow
  2. Turn-in G-Apps permission forms.  Starting this week MISSING FORMS will lead to Parent Contact and then lunch detention and finally ISS unless there’s a green highlight by your name in the Assignments Track Sheet (which means you already have an account).   It is critical for this class that you get this form turned in!
  3. View the student reflection comments from Week 2
  4. View grades from 1st 2 weeks (logon here)
  5. Check the Assignments Track Sheet

- New

  1. View student screencast of how to create a Pivot monster
  2. How to save screencaptures from OneNote to a Pictures Folder in your S-drive
  3. How to use Lookup Function in OneNote to find definitions (and other resources like web searches and Thesauri)
  4. How to create a photo collage using Photovisi.  View the BMS Homepage Collage.

- Do 

  1. If you don’t have one already, create a new folder called pictures in your S-drive
  2. Save the photos from your OneNote Screencaptures page to your pictures folder
  3. Create a photovisi collage using the photos you were supposed to collect.  Here is the original assignment: 
    1. Add 2 screencaptures from each of the following to the Screencaptures page
  4. Download your collage and save it to your S-drive pictures folder as Practice Collage
  5. Add a new page to your OneNote ‘My Screencaptures and Drawings’ file and name the page for a topic you choose (like sports, food, fun, travel, pets, games, or special topics like space, the oceans, Google Earth locations, etc).
  6. Begin collecting screencaptures on your topic which we will use to design another photovisi collage

- Through?

  1. View Happy Birthday Message
  2. Retake the Power Words Vocabulary Quiz to raise your grade if you like
  3. View the 2010 Year in Space slideshow

Wednesday 19th:

- Review

  1. Agendas out and copy yellow
  2. Turn-in G-Apps permission forms.  Starting this week MISSING FORMS will lead to Parent Contact and then lunch detention and finally ISS unless there’s a green highlight by your name in the Assignments Track Sheet (which means you already have an account).   It is critical for this class that you get this form turned in!
  3. Check the Assignments Track Sheet

- New

  1. View the Incredible Music Machine and discuss web content validity
  2. View Word Lens Application demo clip
  3. View some Photovisi background examples

- Do 

  1. Test logon to your Google Apps account (using the same logon information you use when you start your computer at school)
  2. Open your S-drive pictures folder and make 2 new folders inside of it named ‘backgrounds’ and ‘collages
  3. Open the Paint application and create a few backgrounds to use with Photovisi.  Save your backgrounds to your S-drive backgrounds folder.  Experiment with screencaptures as backgrounds (for example, try a fireworks screencapture as a background)
  4. Try SumoPaint to create additional backgrounds
  5. Upload your backgrounds to photovisi and upload some pictures from your pictures folder to see how your backgrounds look
  6. Save your new practice collages to your S-drive collages folder

- Through?

  1. View this Animal Tracks Slideshow from Jan10-17
  2. Retake the Power Words Vocabulary Quiz to raise your grade if you like

Thursday 20th:

- Review

  1. Agendas out and copy yellow
  2. Turn-in G-Apps permission forms.  Starting today MISSING FORMS will lead to Parent Contact and then lunch detention and finally ISS unless there’s a green highlight by your name in the Assignments Track Sheet (which means you already have an account).   It is critical for this class that you get this form turned in!
  3. Check the Assignments Track Sheet

- New

  1. View Google Demo Slam Epic Docs
  2. View Chrome Speed Test
  3. Demo We Feel Fine (Help)

- Do 

  1. Logon to your Google Apps account
  2. Create a folder in Docs named ‘103’ and share it with me:  bmercer@bastrop.isd.tenet.edu  (Help)
  3. Upload Thanks from your S-drive to the ‘103’ folder (so you will be able to share it!) (Help)
  4. Screencast at least one (more is optional) cool effect or technique you learned with sumopaint so we can learn from you!  Name your screencast ‘sc2 sumo’ and upload it to your G-Docs/103 folder
  5. Complete 3 (or more) Photovisi collages and download them to your S-drive/pictures/collages folder
  6. Create one final (graded) collage which includes your 3 (or more) collages from step 4 and name it ‘My Collages’.  Here’s an example: Photo Collage Demo
  7. Upload your ‘My Collages file to your 103 folder in G-Docs (or save it to your S-drive/pictures/collages folder if you can’t access your Google Account)

- Through?

  1. Continue experimenting with sumopaint.  Upload your coolest creations to your G-Docs/103 folder.
  2. View the Census of Marine Life Slideshow

Friday 21st:

- Review

  1. Agendas out and copy yellow
  2. Turn-in G-Apps permission forms.  MISSING FORMS will lead to Parent Contact and then lunch detention and finally ISS unless there’s a green highlight by your name in the Assignments Track Sheet (which means you already have an account).   It is critical for this class that you get this form turned in!
  3. Check the Assignments Track Sheet

- New

  1. View student work example screenshots
  2. The making of Chrome Speed Test
  3. Excerpt From RSAnimate Drive

- Do 

  1. Logon to your Google Apps account
  2. View ‘This Semester at a Glance Prezi to give you some ideas for the weekly reflection form
  3. Complete the Reflections for the Week Form
  4. Retake the Power Words Vocabulary Quiz to raise your grade if you like (missing quiz grades for 2nd– Chynna, 5th- Brian, Nick, 6th- Chris, 7th- Kylie, Michaela, Payton)
  5. Complete 3 (or more) Photovisi collages and download them to your S-drive/pictures/collages folder
  6. Create one final (graded) collage which includes your 3 (or more) collages from step 3 and name it ‘My Collages’.  Here’s an example: Photo Collage Demo
  7. Upload your ‘My Collages’ file to your 103 folder in G-Docs (or save it to your S-drive/pictures/collages folder if you can’t access your Google Account)  (Help)
  8. Complete your Screencast of at least one (more is optional) cool effect or technique you learned with sumopaint so we can learn from you!  Name your screencast ‘sc2 sumo’ and upload it to your G-Docs/103 folder

- Through?

  1. Continue experimenting with sumopaint
  2. Play 3D Chess

Additional Help and Information:

  1. YouTube How-to Videos for this class
  2. G-Apps How2 Videos
  3. Prezis
  4. TED talks (browse TED talks list)

Week of Jan 10th–Jan 14th

Highlights for the week: 


Monday 10th:

- Review

  1. Agendas out and copy yellow
  2. Student G-Apps forms turned in for extra credit
  3. Review Reflections from last week
  4. Comments on politeness

- New

  1. Why do you need to turn in your Google Apps permission form?  View Google Overview intro clip
  2. Why do you need collaborative documents?  TitanPad Demo (NOTE: these pads are permanent so add wisely!) – choose the pad which matches your card do each of the following
    • add a link  to 308 Today
    • add a link to the weather forecast for the next couple of days (dress warmly!)
    • add a link to a picture of a winter scene (lots of ice and snow)
    • add a link  to the BMS Webpage
    • add some comments about what you noticed in the Reflections from last week

        Use these TitanPads: (Links have been deactivated)

  • TitanPad Hearts
  • TitanPad Spades
  • TitanPad Diamonds
  • TitanPad Clubs

- Do 

  1. View the Responsible Use Policy (RUP) Prezi.  You may view the screencast of the RUP Prezi if that helps you (it’s also in the J-drive screencasts folder for today).
  2. Complete the RUP form by filling in the questions as you view the Prezi. This is a graded, paired assignment and only 2 names per form will receive credit for completing it!  The easiest way to complete it is to view the RUP presentation on one computer and this form on the other.  You may work alone if you choose to, but you might find it easier to complete the form if you work with a partner!
  3. Check the assignments track sheet and complete anything in yellow or red! 

- Through?

  1. View the New Year’s Day celebrations around the world slideshow
  2. Test this online Chess link.  (Can you open it?  Does it work correctly?)

Tuesday 11th: 

- Review

  1. Agendas out and copy yellow
  2. Student G-Apps forms turned in for extra credit
  3. Questions or comments from yesterday
  4. How to lock your workstation (in case you need to leave it).  Lock your workstation until we have finished watching the next 3 video clips (highlighted in green below) as a class.
  5. How to make your Thanks screencast (view student Inspiration example)

- New

  1. Why do you need to turn in your Google Apps permission form?  View Google Docs intro clip
  2. About Google Search Story… view a way to create videos of your searches on YouTube

- Do 

  1. Make a screencast called ‘how to get to J-drive screencasts’: Screencast the process of how to get to the screencasts for the 4th 6 weeks.  Create a folder called ‘Help’ in your S-drive and save it in your S-drive/Help folder
  2. Complete RUP assignment (continuing where you left off yesterday).  Here are the 2 links you need:  1) RUP Prezi 2) RUP Form.  If you need it, you can listen to me read the RUP slides in the J-drive screencasts folder.
  3. Check the Assignments Track Sheet, complete anything in yellow or red and if you have completed an assignment and it isn’t marked that way on the Track Sheet, please let me know so I can update it! 
  4. Complete your Thanks assignment and the Screencast of how you made it.  I’ll be checking your S-drives today for completed assignments.

- Through?

  1. Create a TitanPad with your lunch code whenever you need to chat with me (for example, when you have a question or need a link)
  2. Check out last week’s Animal Tracks Slideshow
  3. Test this online Chess link.  (Can you open it?  Does it work correctly?)

Wednesday 12th:

- Review

  1. Agenda Check today - Agendas out and copy yellow
  2. Student G-Apps forms turned in for extra credit
  3. Questions or comments from yesterday

- New

  1. Why do you need to turn in your Google Apps permission form?  View Google Spreadsheets intro clip
  2. Demo: The Wilderness Downtown (Chrome Browser only)
  3. Demo: Chrome experiment 1 and experiment 2
  4. Recommend sites like these?  Use this link
  5. Introduce Study Stack site and functions
  6. Introduce Google Translate

- Do 

  1. Practice using this Study Stack on Power Words for a quiz on Friday
  2. Open the Power Words Translations file in your S-drive and follow the directions in the file.
  3. Create a translations table using Google Translate
  4. Once you have completed it, publish your table as a PDF file into your S-drive

- Through?

  1. Complete RUP assignment (continuing where you left off yesterday).  Here are the 2 links you need:  1) RUP Prezi 2) RUP Form.  If you need it, you can listen to me read the RUP slides in the J-drive screencasts folder.
  2. View these frosty photos

Thursday 13th:

- Review

  1. Agendas out and copy yellow
  2. Student G-Apps forms turned in for extra credit
  3. Starting next week MISSING FORMS will lead to Parent Contact and then ISS unless there’s a green highlight by your name in the Assignments Track Sheet (which means you already have an account).   It is critical for this class that you get this form turned in!
  4. Please check the Assignments Track Sheet regularly!

- New

  1. Why do you need to turn in your Google Apps permission form?  View Google Presentations intro clip
  2. Watch Demo Slam on Google Translate
  3. Demonstrate Screencaptures  and Drawings in OneNote

- Do 

  1. Complete Power Words Translation Table
  2. Open ‘My Screencapture and Drawings’ file in your s-drive
  3. Add 2 screencaptures from each of the following to the Screencaptures page

- Through?

  1. Review this Study Stack on Power Words for a quiz tomorrow

Friday 14thHave a great 3 Day weekend and see you all Tuesday!

- Review

  1. Agendas out and copy yellow
  2. Student G-Apps forms turned in for extra credit
  3. Starting next week MISSING FORMS will lead to Parent Contact and then ISS unless there’s a green highlight by your name in the Assignments Track Sheet (which means you already have an account).   It is critical for this class that you get this form turned in!
  4. Please check the Assignments Track Sheet regularly!

- New

  1. Why do you need to turn in your Google Apps permission form?  View Google Forms intro clip
  2. How to publish a OneNote page as a PDF file so everyone can view it

- Do 

  1. Take the Power Words Vocabulary Quiz.  You may retake this quiz to raise your score, but not on the same day (only the first quiz score per day will count)
  2. ViewThis Semester at a Glance Prezi to give you some ideas for the weekly reflection form
  3. Watch this 8 minute TED talk on What adults can learn from kids
  4. Complete the Reflections for the Week Form

- Through?

  1. Complete any missing assignments (check the Assignments Track Sheet) from this week (Thanks activity, Thanks screencast, RUP questions form, Power Words Translations)
  2. View ‘What is a Browser?’ help clip in the J-drive screencasts folder (or on YouTube at home)
  3. View this slideshow on recent mudslides in Brazil
  4. Chat with these TitanPads

Additional Information:

  1. YouTube How-to Videos for this class
  2. Prezis
  3. TED talks (browse TED talks list)

Week of Jan 3rd–Jan 7th

Highlights for the week: 

  • Welcome to the Spring Semester of 2011!

Monday 3rd: Holiday!

Tuesday 4th: Holiday!

Wednesday 5th

- Review

  1. There are always problems with technology and usually several ways to get around the problems… please be patient while we sort things out!

- New

  1. Test your logon to your laptop
  2. Add this blog to your 1) Favorites, or 2) bookmarks bar or 3) create a shortcut to it on your desktop or 4) a shortcut in your S-drive so you can get to it again easily.  Does anyone know how to do all 4?  Why is the green highlight the best option?
  3. Discuss the weekly and daily sections of the blog
  4. Discuss links in the top, right 5 sections
  5. Test access to Google Docs
  6. Hand out permission forms for those who do not have access
  7. Write the yellow highlights below in your agenda for today

- Do 

  1. Think of someone who has had a very positive effect on your life or who has helped you when you needed it… maybe a relative, friend, teacher, etc.
  2. Create a thank you for that person which includes what they’ve done for you and how that has helped you or made you feel good about yourself.  Decorate it to make it look nice (for example, add colors, clip-art, photos, etc.).  Use any computer programs that you’re familiar with to create your thank you (like Word, Powerpoint, Paint, etc.)
  3. Save your work to your S-drive folder as Thanks
  4. Time permitting, we will explore this screencasting program and practice using it.

- Through?

  1. View The Year in Pictures slideshow
  2. Explore the other links at 308 Today

Thursday 6th:

- Review

  1. Agendas out and copy yellow
  2. Questions or comments from yesterday
  3. Logon problems list? 

- New

  1. Watch a student screencast from last semester
  2. View screencast video tutorial.
  3. Introduce Screencast-o-matic.
  4. Record the first rule
  5. Use 800x600 as your recording size
  6. Practice pausing, restarting, and truncating
  7. Discuss how to save and upload screencasts
  8. Record all five class rules and save your recording to your S-drive as SC Rules

- Do 

  1. Complete the Thanks activity
  2. Record a screencast of how you made your Thanks.  Imagine you are teaching someone how to create the same effects you used so I can put the videos together in a software demonstration for us all to view later.
  3. Your recording should be about 2 min.
  4. Save your screencast in your S-drive folder as SC1 (software)  .  For example, if you used paint, it would be named SC1 Paint or if you used PowerPoint, it would be SC1 PowerPoint

- Through?

  1. View The Year in Pictures slideshow

Friday 7th:

- Review

  1. Agendas out and copy yellow
  2. Questions or comments from yesterday
  3. All students who could not logon have had their passwords reset

- New

  1. G-Apps form handed out – the sooner you turn it in, the more extra credit you receive! (Mon 10pts, Tues 9pts, etc.)
  2. Discuss how grading works
  3. Test Google Voice (512-703-0308): If you call (rather than text), please speak slowly and clearly for voice-to-text translation!  Call or text these 2 sentences “Hello Mr. Mercer, this is ____ from your ___ period class.  One of the best things that happened to me this week was____”. 
  4. Introduce Online-Stopwatch

- Do 

  1. Complete Reflections Form from this week (we will do this on this last day of every week, but you can use this form anytime you think of something to add!)
  2. Play one online chess game (or more if you like it) to see if you would like to come to the online chess den activity
  3. Complete Thanks activity and SC1 if you haven’t already done so
  4. View TED clip on 6th Sense Device the last 8 min of class (stopwatch?)
  5. View student pivot demonstrations in J-Drive (I’ll explain how to get there during class)

- Through?

  1. Why play chess? Scan this article on how playing chess can make you wiser
  2. View this slideshow on Christmas lights from around the world

Additional Information: