Week of May 30th–Jun 3rd

Highlights for the week:

Monday 30th: Holiday!

    Tuesday 31st:

    - Messages for you:

    1. About grades
    2. About today

    - All assignments for this class were due last Friday, May 27th at midnight!

    - Grades will be updated throughout the week as I evaluate your projects!  (They will not be any lower than what you see now though)

    - Good luck with your final exams in core classes (if you are required to take them)!

    - If you are interested in helping to train teachers on how to use Google Docs, please send me an email with how we can get in touch with you over the summer and I’ll send you the details when I know them.

    - Check out Miranda Wysocki’s Blog for updates on her adventure in the Dominican Republic (map with recent updates)

      Wednesday 1st:

      - Please sign my digital yearbook if you would like to!

      - Schedule for tomorrow:

      8:30 - Students report to 1st period for attendance
      9:00 - 11:00 - Talent Show in the gym
      11:00 - 11:30 - 7th grade lunch. 8th graders will watch a special year-in-review video in the gym.
      11:30 - 12:00 - 8th grade lunch. 7th graders will watch the year-in-review video in the gym.
      12:00 End of school

      - Messages for you:

      1. About grades
      2. About today

      - All assignments for this class were due last Friday, May 27th at midnight!

      - Grades will be updated throughout the week as I evaluate your projects!  (They will not be any lower than what you see now though)

      - Good luck with your final exams in core classes (if you are required to take them)!

      - If you are interested in helping to train teachers on how to use Google Docs, please send me an email ( bmercer@bastrop.isd.tenet.edu ) with how we can get in touch with you over the summer and I’ll send you the details when I know them.

      - Check out Miranda Wysocki’s Blog for updates on her adventure in the Dominican Republic (map with recent updates)

          Thursday 2nd: Early release at Noon

          - Please sign my digital yearbook if you would like to!

          - Schedule for today:

          8:30 - Students report to 1st period for attendance
          9:00 - 11:00 - Talent Show in the gym
          11:00 - 11:30 - 7th grade lunch. 8th graders will watch a special year-in-review video in the gym.
          11:30 - 12:00 - 8th grade lunch. 7th graders will watch the year-in-review video in the gym.
          12:00 End of school

          - All assignments for this class were due last Friday, May 27th at midnight!

          - Final grades are due tomorrow.  You can check your grades online after Noon tomorrow to see your final grades in all of your classes!  Final Report Cards will be mailed to you soon!

          - If you are interested in helping to train teachers on how to use Google Docs, please send me an email ( bmercer@bastrop.isd.tenet.edu ) with how we can get in touch with you over the summer and I’ll send you the details when I know them.

          - Check out Miranda Wysocki’s Blog for updates on her adventure in the Dominican Republic (map with recent updates)

              Friday 3rd:

              - You can check your grades online after Noon today to see your final grades in all of your classes!

              - Please sign my digital yearbook if you would like to!

              - Have a great summer!

                Week of May 23rd–May 27th

                Highlights for the week:

                • TEKS for this week – 1F, 4A, 5A&C, 8A,D&E, 11A, 12D

                Monday 23rd:

                - Part 1) Review

                1. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
                2. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)
                3. Click here to go to the Aviary Education Logon page
                  • Enter your first name and the first 3 letters of your last name with no spaces in the Username window (example: Jeff Smith would type JeffSmi)
                  • Enter your student ID# as your password

                - Part 2) New

                1. A gzaas for you!  Try making your own
                2. Today we will start using the Aviary Music Creator (called Roc).
                3. View Getting Started with Roc slides tutorial
                4. View Roc Demo clips (x2) and Screencast by Robby
                5. Demo Bells1 in creator and editor versions

                - Part 3) Do

                1. Test this: Aviary Roc (choose ‘Create Image’ from the New Creation dropdown menu)
                2. Rate it: using this form
                3. Record it: using Screencast-o-matic
                4. Save it: as ‘ roc sc ’ to your s-drive project 1 folder

                - Part 4) Through?

                1. Check out The World at Night 2011 Slideshow from MSNBC
                2. Experiment with gzaas

                  Tuesday 24th:  Awards Night! (Message)

                  - Part 1) Review

                  1. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
                  2. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)
                  3. Click here to go to the Aviary Education Logon page
                    • Enter your first name and the first 3 letters of your last name with no spaces in the Username window (example: Jeff Smith would type JeffSmi)
                    • Enter your student ID# as your password

                  - Part 2) New

                  1. View new creations from your Aviary Logon Page

                  - Part 3) Do

                  1. Complete your screencasts of  these Aviary programs (if you haven't already done so):  logon here 
                    • Image Editor (Phoenix)
                    • Audio Editor (Myna)
                    • Music Creator (Roc)
                  2. Due Today: Use Windows Movie Maker to collect the 3 screencasts above into one Movie.  Save the Movie in your S-drive as a new project called ‘ 6-4 Project1d ’ until it is completed so you can continue editing it. 
                  3. When the movie is completed, publish it (save it as a movie file named 6-4 Project1d ) and upload it to your 103 folder to be graded today!

                  - Part 4) Through?

                  1. View National Geographic Best Photos of April 2011

                    Wednesday 25th:

                    - Part 1) Review

                    1. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
                    2. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)
                    3. Click here to go to the Aviary Education Logon page
                      • Enter your first name and the first 3 letters of your last name with no spaces in the Username window (example: Jeff Smith would type JeffSmi)
                      • Enter your student ID# as your password

                    - Part 2) New

                    1. Please read this important message about grades!
                    2. Check your email for information on your final project
                    3. Use this link for updates on the project

                    - Part 3) Do

                    1. Work on your final project or any of the projects in the list below which you have left to complete.  Use this form or the Student Links Map for links to the programs and applications which you need for each project!
                      • 6-1 project1a
                      • 6-2 project1b
                      • 6-3 project1c
                      • 6-4 project1d
                      • final project

                    - Part 4) Through?

                    1. View this Blog by Ms. Wysocki’s Daughter Miranda who is doing a pharmaceutical internship in the Dominican Republic right now!  This might give you some ideas for things you might like to do or some ideas for your final project.  What does a Pharmacist do?  Find out here  Here’s a map of where she is.

                      Thursday 26th:

                      - Part 1) Review

                      1. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
                      2. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)
                      3. Click here to go to the Aviary Education Logon page
                        • Enter your first name and the first 3 letters of your last name with no spaces in the Username window (example: Jeff Smith would type JeffSmi)
                        • Enter your student ID# as your password
                      4. Remember, ALL WORK is due FRIDAY!!!

                      - Part 2) New

                      1. Check this link for updates and information regarding your final project
                      2. Messages for you:

                      - Part 3) Do

                      1. Check your 103 folder to make sure you have these by Friday!
                        • 6-1 project1a
                        • 6-2 project1b
                        • 6-3 project1c
                        • 6-4 project1d
                        • final project
                      2. Work on your final project or any of the projects in the list above which you have left to complete. Use this form or the Student Links Map for links to the programs and applications which you need for each project!

                        - Part 4) Through?

                        1. Check out these Animal Tracks Photos

                          Friday 27th:

                          - Part 1) Review

                          1. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
                          2. Click here to go to the Aviary Education Logon page
                            • Enter your first name and the first 3 letters of your last name with no spaces in the Username window (example: Jeff Smith would type JeffSmi)
                            • Enter your student ID# as your password
                          3. Remember, ALL WORK is due TODAY!!!

                            - Part 2) New

                            1. Check this link for updates and information regarding your final project
                            2. Messages for you:

                            - Part 3) Do

                            1. Check your 103 folder to make sure you have these Today!
                              • 6-1 project1a
                              • 6-2 project1b
                              • 6-3 project1c
                              • 6-4 project1d
                              • final project
                            2. Work on your final project or any of the projects in the list above which you have left to complete. Use this form or the Student Links Map for links to the programs and applications which you need for each project

                            - Part 4) Through?

                            1. Check out these Extreme Sports photos from National Geographic

                            Week of May 16th–May 20th

                            Highlights for the week:

                            • TEKS for this week – 1F, 4A, 5A&C, 8A,D&E, 11A, 12D

                            Monday 16th:

                            - Part 1) Review

                            1. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
                            2. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)

                            - Part 2) New

                            1. View this student SlideRocket example and update to the ‘ Rate this Site form ’ which will allow you to add a link to your own examples if you like

                            - Part 3) Do

                            1. Complete your screencasts of  these programs (if you haven't already done so):
                            2. Due Today: Use Windows Movie Maker to collect the 3 screencasts above into one Movie.  Save the Movie in your S-drive as a new project called ‘ 6-3 Project1c ’ until it is completed so you can continue editing it. 
                            3. When the movie is completed, publish it (save it as a movie file named 6-3 Project1c ) and upload it to your 103 folder to be graded today!

                            - Part 4) Through?

                            1. Check out 12 reasons 2020 will be an awesome year

                              Tuesday 17th:

                              - Part 1) Review

                              1. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
                              2. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)

                              - Part 2) New

                              1. Today we will start 6-4 Project1d which will be all about Aviary for Education
                              2. View the demo video clips on Aviary Phoenix
                              3. View the tutorial on layers
                              4. Discuss account logon (your accounts have already been made for you)
                              5. Click here to go to the Aviary Education Logon page
                                • Enter your first name and the first 3 letters of your last name with no spaces  in the Username window (example: Jeff Smith would type JeffSmi)
                                • Enter your student ID# as your password
                              6. Click on New Creation, then Create Images

                              - Part 3) Do

                              1. Logon to your Aviary account
                              2. Upload an image
                              3. Practice using editing tools
                              4. Practice using layers to combine parts of different photos

                              - Part 4) Through?

                              1. View these outdoor scenes

                                Wednesday 18th:

                                - Part 1) Review

                                1. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
                                2. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)
                                3. Click here to go to the Aviary Education Logon page
                                  • Enter your first name and the first 3 letters of your last name with no spaces in the Username window (example: Jeff Smith would type JeffSmi)
                                  • Enter your student ID# as your password

                                - Part 2) New

                                1. Use the Aviary Image editor to create a composite of at least 2 images (that is, merge at least 2 images into one image using layers)
                                2. View examples on the Creations Tab (by scrolling down on the first screen that you see after you logon)
                                3. Use the clipart search page to find some materials for your composite image, especially these images on a white background

                                - Part 3) Do

                                1. Test this: Aviary Phoenix (choose ‘Create Image’ from the New Creation dropdown menu)
                                2. Rate it: using this form
                                3. Record it: using Screencast-o-matic
                                4. Save it: as ‘ phoenix sc ’ to your s-drive project 1 folder

                                - Part 4) Through?

                                1. View these animal tracks images for Aviary ideas

                                  Thursday 19th:

                                  - Part 1) Review

                                  1. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
                                  2. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)
                                  3. Click here to go to the Aviary Education Logon page
                                    • Enter your first name and the first 3 letters of your last name with no spaces in the Username window (example: Jeff Smith would type JeffSmi)
                                    • Enter your student ID# as your password

                                  - Part 2) New

                                  1. Today we will start using the Aviary Audio Editor (called Myna).
                                  2. View Myna Demo clip

                                  - Part 3) Do

                                  1. Practice using Myna (please use earbuds or keep the volume low!)
                                  2. Once you save your music edits, others will be able to listen to them when they logon to Aviary
                                  3. Tomorrow we will do the form and screencasts of your music edits

                                  - Part 4) Through?

                                  1. View these images of rivers from MSNBC

                                    Friday 20th:

                                    - Part 1) Review

                                    1. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
                                    2. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)
                                    3. Click here to go to the Aviary Education Logon page
                                      • Enter your first name and the first 3 letters of your last name with no spaces in the Username window (example: Jeff Smith would type JeffSmi)
                                      • Enter your student ID# as your password

                                    - Part 2) New

                                    1. Continue using Myna

                                    - Part 3) Do

                                    1. Test this: Aviary Myna (choose ‘Edit Audio’ from the New Creation dropdown menu – 3rd option)
                                    2. Rate it: using this form
                                    3. Record it: using Screencast-o-matic
                                    4. Save it: as ‘ myna sc ’ to your s-drive project 1 folder

                                    - Part 4) Through?

                                    1. Check out the Media Shows from this Week!

                                      Additional Help and Information:

                                      1. YouTube How-to Videos for this class
                                      2. G-Apps How2 Videos
                                      3. Prezis
                                      4. TED talks (browse TED talks list)

                                      Week of May 9th–May 13th

                                      Highlights for the week:

                                      • TEKS for this week – 1F, 4A, 5A&C, 8A,D&E, 11A, 12D

                                      Monday 9th:

                                      - Part 1) Review

                                      1. Check your Gmail in Firefox for an email from me today about grades!
                                      2. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
                                      3. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)

                                      - Part 2) New

                                      1. View these images of the current Mississippi River flood 

                                      - Part 3) Do

                                      1. Complete your screencasts of  these programs (if you haven't already done so):
                                      2. Due Today: Use Windows Movie Maker to collect the 3 screencasts above into one Movie.  Save the Movie in your S-drive as a new project called ‘ 6-2 Project1b ’ until it is completed so you can continue editing it. 
                                      3. When the movie is completed, publish it (save it as a movie file named 6-2 Project1b ) and upload it to your 103 folder to be graded today!

                                      - Part 4) Through?

                                      1. Check out this Hubble view of the Lagoon Nebula, and view these other nebulae on the MSNBC Photoblog website as well:

                                        Tuesday 10th:

                                        - Part 1) Review

                                        1. Progress Reports grades must be turned in today!
                                        2. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
                                        3. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)

                                        - Part 2) New

                                        1. As a class we will complete this Guided Gmail Sub-account form for creating an email sub-account
                                        2. Start ‘ 6-3 Project1c ’ with 3 new programs to review
                                        3. The first program will be Prezi:

                                        - Part 3) Do  (First: Complete any missing assignments for Progress Reports!)

                                        1. Test this: Prezi
                                        2. Rate it: using this form
                                        3. Record it: using Screencast-o-matic
                                        4. Save it: as ‘ prezi sc ’ to your s-drive project 1 folder

                                        - Part 4) Through?

                                        1. Explore this website: http://www.earth-touch.com

                                          Wednesday 11th:

                                          - Part 1) Review

                                          1. Check your Gmail for your sub-account reminder
                                          2. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
                                          3. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)

                                          - Part 2) New

                                          1. View this presentation on Photography
                                          2. Continue ‘ 6-3 Project1c ’ with our next new programs to review
                                          3. The next program will be SlideRocket:
                                            • View the SlideRocket Demo interactive
                                            • Create an account using your Gmail sub-account

                                          - Part 3) Do

                                          1. Test this: SlideRocket
                                          2. Rate it: using this form
                                          3. Record it: using Screencast-o-matic
                                          4. Save it: as ‘ prezi sc ’ to your s-drive project 1 folder

                                          - Part 4) Through?

                                          1. View Texas Spider Encounters Website (thanks Gatlin!)

                                            Thursday 12th:

                                            - Part 1) Review

                                            1. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
                                            2. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)

                                            - Part 2) New

                                            1. Watch 2 demo video clips on Timeline Creation Tools
                                            2. Explore this collection of timeline creation tools

                                            - Part 3) Do

                                            1. Test this: Dipity Timeline Creator
                                              • Try creating an account with your student Gmail and if that doesn’t work,
                                              • Try creating an account with your Gmail sub account: 
                                                • bms308g+_ _ _ s11@gmail.com (where the blanks are your initials and class period)
                                            2. Rate it: using this form
                                            3. Record it: using Screencast-o-matic
                                            4. Save it: as ‘ dipity sc ’ to your s-drive project 1 folder

                                            - Part 4) Through?

                                            1. View one of the Popular Science Galleries

                                              Friday 13th:

                                              -Part 1) Review

                                              1. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
                                              2. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)

                                              - Part 2) New

                                              1. Watch a variety of video clips :)

                                              - Part 3) Do

                                              1. Complete the Weekly Reflection Form (some of the questions are new)
                                              2. Complete your screencasts of  these programs:
                                              3. Use Windows Movie Maker to collect the 3 screencasts above into one Movie.  Save the Movie in your S-drive as a new project called ‘ 6-3 Project1c ’ until it is completed so you can continue editing it. 
                                              4. When the movie is completed, publish it (save it as a movie file named 6-3 Project1c ) and upload it to your 103 folder to be graded

                                              - Part 4) Through?

                                              1. Check out the Media Shows from this Week!

                                                Additional Help and Information:

                                                1. YouTube How-to Videos for this class
                                                2. G-Apps How2 Videos
                                                3. Prezis
                                                4. TED talks (browse TED talks list)

                                                Week of May 9th–May 13th

                                                Highlights for the week:

                                                • TEKS for this week – 1F, 4A, 5A&C, 8A,D&E, 11A, 12D

                                                Monday 9th:

                                                - Part 1) Review

                                                1. Check your Gmail in Firefox for an email from me today about grades!
                                                2. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
                                                3. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)

                                                - Part 2) New

                                                1. View these images of the current Mississippi River flood 

                                                - Part 3) Do

                                                1. Complete your screencasts of  these programs (if you haven't already done so):
                                                2. Due Today: Use Windows Movie Maker to collect the 3 screencasts above into one Movie.  Save the Movie in your S-drive as a new project called ‘ 6-2 Project1b ’ until it is completed so you can continue editing it. 
                                                3. When the movie is completed, publish it (save it as a movie file named 6-2 Project1b ) and upload it to your 103 folder to be graded today!

                                                - Part 4) Through?

                                                1. Check out this Hubble view of the Lagoon Nebula, and view these other nebulae on the MSNBC Photoblog website as well:

                                                  Tuesday 10th:

                                                  - Part 1) Review

                                                  1. Progress Reports grades must be turned in today!
                                                  2. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
                                                  3. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)

                                                  - Part 2) New

                                                  1. As a class we will complete this Guided Gmail Sub-account form for creating an email sub-account
                                                  2. Start ‘ 6-3 Project1c ’ with 3 new programs to review
                                                  3. The first program will be Prezi:

                                                  - Part 3) Do  (First: Complete any missing assignments for Progress Reports!)

                                                  1. Test this: Prezi
                                                  2. Rate it: using this form
                                                  3. Record it: using Screencast-o-matic
                                                  4. Save it: as ‘ prezi sc ’ to your s-drive project 1 folder

                                                  - Part 4) Through?

                                                  1. Explore this website: http://www.earth-touch.com

                                                    Wednesday 11th:

                                                    - Part 1) Review

                                                    1. Check your Gmail for your sub-account reminder
                                                    2. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
                                                    3. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)

                                                    - Part 2) New

                                                    1. View this presentation on Photography
                                                    2. Continue ‘ 6-3 Project1c ’ with our next new programs to review
                                                    3. The next program will be SlideRocket:
                                                      • View the SlideRocket Demo interactive
                                                      • Create an account using your Gmail sub-account

                                                    - Part 3) Do

                                                    1. Test this: SlideRocket
                                                    2. Rate it: using this form
                                                    3. Record it: using Screencast-o-matic
                                                    4. Save it: as ‘ sliderocket sc ’ to your s-drive project 1 folder

                                                    - Part 4) Through?

                                                    1. View Texas Spider Encounters Website (thanks Gatlin!)

                                                      Thursday 12th:

                                                      - Part 1) Review

                                                      - Part 2) New

                                                      - Part 3) Do

                                                      - Part 4) Through?

                                                        Friday 13th:

                                                        - Part 1) Review

                                                        - Part 2) New

                                                        - Part 3) Do

                                                        - Part 4) Through?

                                                        1. Check out the Media Shows from this Week!

                                                          Additional Help and Information:

                                                          1. YouTube How-to Videos for this class
                                                          2. G-Apps How2 Videos
                                                          3. Prezis
                                                          4. TED talks (browse TED talks list)

                                                          Week of May 2nd–May 6th

                                                          Highlights for the week:

                                                          • TEKS for this week – 1F, 4A, 5A&C, 8A,D&E, 11A, 12D

                                                          Monday 2nd:  Student Holiday!

                                                            Tuesday 3rd:

                                                            - Part 1) Review

                                                            1. All grades have been entered so please check them to see the extra credit assignments which you have created
                                                            2. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
                                                            3. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)
                                                            4. You should have the following things completed
                                                              • Make a folder called Project1 in your S-drive
                                                              • Create a Chogger Comic strip, review it using this form, and make a screencast avi file and save it in your Project1 folder as ‘Chogger sc’
                                                              • Create a 3-scene Dvolver Movie, review it using this form, and make a screencast avi file and save it in your Project1 folder as ‘Dvolver sc’
                                                              • Create a Voki Speaking Character, review it using this form, and make a screencast avi fileand save it in your Project1 folder as ‘Voki sc’
                                                              • Use Windows Movie Maker to collect your 1st 3 screencasts into one Movie.  Save the Movie in your S-drive as a new project called ‘6-1 Project1a’ until it is completed so you can continue editing it.  When the movie is completed, publish it (save it as a movie file named6-1 Project1a) and upload it to your 103 folder to be graded

                                                            - Part 2) New

                                                            1. View example 6-1 project1a
                                                            2. Today we will start 6-2 project1b which will include our next 3 programs for review

                                                            - Part 3) Do

                                                            1. Test this: Tagxedo Word Cloud
                                                            2. Rate it: using this form
                                                            3. Record it: using Screencast-o-matic
                                                            4. Save it: as ‘ tagxedo sc ’ to your s-drive project 1 folder

                                                            - Part 4) Through?

                                                            1. Check out these Sony World Photography Award Winners 2011

                                                              Wednesday 4th:

                                                              - Part 1) Review

                                                              1. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
                                                              2. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)

                                                              - Part 2) New

                                                              1. Demonstrate Flockdraw (single user)
                                                              2. Continue 6-2 project1b which will include our next program for review
                                                              3. Demonstrate Flockdraw (group of users)

                                                              - Part 3) Do

                                                              1. Test this:  Flockdraw
                                                              2. Rate it: using this form
                                                              3. Record it: using Screencast-o-matic
                                                              4. Save it: as ‘ flockdraw sc ’ to your s-drive project 1 folder

                                                              - Part 4) Through?

                                                              1. Complete ‘ 6-1 Project1a ’ and upload it to your 103 folder
                                                              2. Check out these Popular Science Wonders of the Year 2020

                                                                Thursday 5th:

                                                                - Part 1) Review

                                                                1. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
                                                                2. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)

                                                                - Part 2) New

                                                                1. Watch Dabbleboard intro video clip (better traditional shapes and diagrams)
                                                                2. Demo Dabbleboard (single user)
                                                                  • Use Clipart to make your drawings more interesting (download to desktop and then upload to Dabbleboard)
                                                                  • Demo how to add curves
                                                                3. Demo Dabbleboard (group of users)

                                                                - Part 3) Do

                                                                1. Test this: Dabbleboard
                                                                2. Rate it: using this form
                                                                3. Record it: using Screencast-o-matic
                                                                4. Save it: as ‘ dabbleboard sc ’ to your s-drive project 1 folder

                                                                - Part 4) Through?

                                                                1. Try Board800 or CoSketch (other collaborative whiteboards)
                                                                2. Check out these Big Picture photography competition entries

                                                                  Friday 6th:

                                                                  - Part 1) Review

                                                                  1. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
                                                                  2. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)

                                                                  - Part 2) New

                                                                  1. Watch the following video clips:
                                                                    • Ultimate Dog Tease
                                                                    • TED Interactive Books
                                                                    • People are Awesome
                                                                    • TED talk: Augmented Reality Maps
                                                                    • 3D Roadrunner Cartoon
                                                                    • TED filter bubbles
                                                                    • Moose in a sprinkler
                                                                    • TED Architecture that interacts

                                                                  - Part 3) Do

                                                                  1. Complete the Weekly Reflection Form (some of the questions are new)
                                                                  2. Complete your screencasts of  these programs:
                                                                  3. Use Windows Movie Maker to collect the 3 screencasts above into one Movie.  Save the Movie in your S-drive as a new project called ‘ 6-2 Project1b ’ until it is completed so you can continue editing it. 
                                                                  4. When the movie is completed, publish it (save it as a movie file named 6-2 Project1b ) and upload it to your 103 folder to be graded

                                                                  - Part 4) Through?

                                                                  1. Check out the Media Shows from this Week!

                                                                    Additional Help and Information:

                                                                    1. YouTube How-to Videos for this class
                                                                    2. G-Apps How2 Videos
                                                                    3. Prezis
                                                                    4. TED talks (browse TED talks list)