Week of Oct 31st–Nov 4th

Highlights for the week:

Monday 31st:

- Part 1) Review

  1. Check your gmail… lots of stuff in there for you today!
  2. Check your grades!  This is the last week of the 2nd 6 weeks and all work must be completed by Friday
  3. If you complete or update an assignment to raise your grade, YOU MUST send me an email with the assignment number to receive credit for your work!

- Part 2) New

  1. View this example 2.11 Aviary Presentation for today’s assignment
    • 2.11
  2. View how to search for EDU Glogs using Tags (by changing the word/words after the = sign), like this example search for forces:  http://edu.glogster.com/search/?tag=forces

- Part 3) Do - Today students will…

  1. Create a new presentation called 2.11 Aviary (like the example
    • Add a title slide with a numbered slide index like the example in the 103 Student Demo folder.  Use your First Name only in your presentations please!
    • On slide 2, insert your Red Ribbon Week composite image
    • On slide 3, insert your Pumpkin Carving creations
  2. Support our Science Department by looking for images which help to explain the following vocabulary words.  Save your images as JPGs (named for the word in the list which it represents) and upload them to the Resources/Vocabulary Images Gdocs collection.  If you need help with word meanings, here’s a glossary to help you.  


      balanced force (example image)

      • Balanced Forces

      unbalanced force (example image)

      • Unbalanced Forces




      potential energy

      kinetic energy


      direction (change in)


    - Part 4) Through?

    1. Complete any missing assignments for the 2nd 6 weeks grading period
    2. Find more images for the Science Dept :)
    3. View Earth as a pumpkin in Google Earth (check your gmail for intructions)
    4. View these Halloween Safety Tips!
    5. View this year’s Halloween search trends from Google 

      Tuesday Nov 1st: Pep Rally Today!

      - Part 1) Review

      1. Please login to your Gmail (first thing every day!) so the following links will work correctly
      2. Check the Pep Rally bell schedule for today
      3. Check your Gdocs 103 folder to make sure you have your 2.11 Aviary Presentation saved to it

      - Part 2) New

      1. Learn how to create a common music file (Aviary Audio Video Demo)
      2. Learn how to record and edit our voices (Aviary Voiceover Video Demo)

      - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

      1. Login to your Aviary account and choose New Creation and then Edit Audio from the dropdown options 
        • As a class we will walk through how to create a music file called Penguin’s Parade with the settings from this image
        •  Penguin's Parade
      2. Record and alter your own voice saying ‘And now for an important announcement:  All assignments are due this Friday!’
        • Experiment with the voice altering options
      3. Create your own music file and add your My Voice clip to it.  Adjust the Gain so that you can clearly hear your voice over the music you have selected.
        • Save your file in Aviary as Voice Practice

      - Part 4) Through?

      1. Complete the 2.11 assignment from yesterday. If you do not see your name in the list below, then you either have not done the assignment or you did not put it in your Gdocs 103 Folder!
        • image
      2. Find images for the Science Department (to save here: Vocabulary Images Gdocs collection), like this one from Mariah!
        • image

        Wednesday 2nd:

        - Part 1) Review

        1. Check your Gmail to read about Google Drawings
        2. I will be closing your Aviary Accounts after the 2nd 6 weeks.  If you would like to keep your account open (to learn more about the possibilities or to use it for other classes), send me an email and I’ll keep your account open!
        3. Check your grades! This is the last week of the 2nd 6 weeks and all work must be completed by Friday
        4. If you complete or update an assignment to raise your grade, YOU MUST send me an email with the assignment number to receive credit for your work!

        - Part 2) New

        1. UIL Calculator Competition (Resource Materials).  Send me an email if you would like to join the team!
        2. Discuss the Google Drawings email
        3. Google Drawings basic steps
          1. Open your 103 collection and choose ‘Create New’
            • image
          2. Insert a background
          3. Add lines for your gameboard
          4. Add symbols for teams and change their shape, color and orientation
          5. Copy and paste game pieces to have enough for a game
          6. Invite someone else to play

        - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

        1. Create a Google Drawing Tic-Tac-Toe Game (like this example in the 103 Student Demo collection
          • Design and add your own background (or use one you made earlier)
          • Add colored lines and symbols
          • Share your game with another person (copy the share link and email it to them)
          • Capture your game, save it as a JPG and upload it to Slide 4 (next step below) 
        2. Add the following new slides to your 2.11 Aviary Presentation (like this example in the 103 Student Demo collection)  
          • New Slide 4 – add a background of your choice (like the example below)
          • image
          • Update your Title slide to include your new Slide 4 (like the example below)
          • image
        3. Practice Collaborative drawing (anything) with a friend or experiment with the tools on your own design.  If you make something cool, add me as a ‘share’ to your drawing so I can see it!

        - Part 4) Through?

        1. Check your grades and complete any missing assignments!
        2. Try this Neave Retro Tic-Tac-Toe Game (only during the last 10min of class!)

          Thursday 3rd:

          - Part 1) Review

          1. Check your Gmail for your game designs posted to the campus!
          2. Check your grades in all classes! Tomorrow is the last day of the 2nd 6 weeks and all work must be completed by Friday
            • If you complete or update an assignment to raise your grade, YOU MUST send me an email with the assignment number to receive credit for your work!
          3. Be prepared for a cold morning tomorrow!
            • image

          - Part 2) New

          1. Use IW to create an Options Map on how to open and sort your 103 folder by title (which you will add to 2.11).  This will allow you to easily check whether or not you have completed all of your assignments!  Here’s an example of an options map for Google Drawings:
            • image

          - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

          1. Record and annotate the steps (create an Options Map) which you use for opening and sorting your 103 student folder (options Map).   
            • Capture your options map and upload it as Slide 5 of your 2.11 Aviary presentation (like the example in the 103 student demo folder– Yours will not be about checkers though!).  Update your Title Slide to show your new Slide 5
            • image
          2. Choose one of the following options (highlighted in gold):
            • Improve your Tic-Tac-Toe design by adding a cool background like these examples (and then invite someone to play your new design).  Remember to update slide 4 of your 2.11 Aviary presentation to show your new design!
            • Game designs
            • Make a copy of this Checkers Template (replace ‘copy of’ with your first name so others will know who is inviting them to play) and invite the person next to you to play. Use the revision history to undo problems!
            • image

          - Part 4) Through?

          1. Make sure you have 5 slides in your 2.11 Aviary Presentation!
          2. Try this Neave Retro Tic-Tac-Toe Game (only during the last 10min of class!)

            Friday 4th:

            - Part 1) Review

            1. Check your Gmail for ‘Trythis!’ and follow the instructions!  :)
            2. Read these tips for coping with bullying from Ch1 News
            3. Daylight Savings Time changes this Sunday at 2am… remember to ‘Fall back’ your clocks!
            4. Check the Weather Forecast for this weekend
            5. Check your grades in all classes! Today is the last day of the 2nd 6 weeks and all work must be completed today!
              • If you complete or update an assignment to raise your grade, YOU MUST send me an email with the assignment number to receive credit for your work!

            - Part 2) New

            1. Please complete the 2.12 Weekly Reflections Form #10

            - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

            1. Complete your 2.11 Aviary Presentation and any other missing assignments (which should be marked on slide 5 of your 2.11 Aviary presentation).  Your slides should look something like these examples: 

              2.11 slides 

            2. View today’s video collection

            - Part 4) Through?

            1. Share and play your Tic-Tac-Toe game or Checkers (in your Gdocs Folder)
            2. Create a cover for our yearbook and save it in your Gdocs 103 Folder as ‘Yearbook’ (so far Isai and Kaylin have the only entries!)
            3. Look for images to help our science teachers (so far Mariah has added the only student image… thanks Mariah!).  Here are the image topics:
            4. force
              balanced force
              unbalanced force
              potential energy
              kinetic energy
              direction (change in)

              …and here is where you save them (Vocabulary Images Gdocs collection).

            Week of Oct 24th–Oct 28th

            Highlights for the week:

            • View the BMS Public Calendar for this weeks events!
            • This is Red Ribbon Week.  The event for each day is written in read after the name of the day
            • Good luck with all of your testing this week!

            Monday 24th: Twins Day

            - Part 1) Review

            1. Logon to your Gmail and read the email about spreadsheets which I sent over the weekend
            2. Check for your name in the reflection question responses from Friday, and if you don’t see it, please complete the form!
            3. Check your grades for missing assignments (grades with a 6 out of 10 are missing) and complete them.  Please send me an email with any completed assignment numbers so I’ll know to check them.  Your 103 folder should have these assignments in it:
              • image

            - Part 2) New

            1. View the My Calculator file in your Gdocs resources folder and see how spreadsheets can be used to help with math

            - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

            1. Calculate the answers to some math problems using a spreadsheet calculator: Open the My Calculator file in your Gdocs resources folder and choose File, make a copy and add your name in place of mine in your copy
            2. View some demo clips on Aviary Education version
            3. Logon to Aviary Education using the following Username and Password  
              • Username: First name and 3 letters of last name (example: for Mark Collins you would use MarkCol )
              • Here’s a link to the Aviary Usernames for all of my students
              • Password: Student ID number (example: 101010)

              - Part 4) Through?

              1. Work on your yearbook cover designs!

                Tuesday 25th: Duct Tape Day

                - Part 1) Review

                1. Logon to your Gmail to see today’s windfarm project
                2. Discuss guidelines regarding games in this class, which may only be played under the following conditions (or if given permission to do so otherwise):
                  • Mon – Thurs 
                    • The assignments for the day must be completed
                    • Only during the last 10min of class
                  • Fri
                    • All assignments must be completed and you must show me your gdocs 103 student folder to prove you are caught up before playing
                3. Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in suspension of your internet access for a period of time!

                - Part 2) New

                1. View the Aviary combining images demo clip
                2. Learn how to alter images or combine elements from several images into one like this composite example:
                  •  Aviary Composite
                  • …or this example (which we will make in class today):
                  • Pinwheel wind farm

                - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

                1. Create a Pinwheel Windfarm
                  1. Copy the Aviary Pinwheel Windfarm Project folder from my J-drive/bmercer folder to your S-drive folder. (There are also copies of the images you need in the Gdocs Resources/Aviary collection)
                  2. Logon to your Aviary account using the directions from yesterday
                  3. Choose ‘New Creation’ then ‘Create Images’
                  4. image 
                  5. Choose ‘Load an Image File’ and upload the  Pinwheel and Windfarm images onto separate layers from your S-drive to alter
                  6. image
                  7. Follow the directions in class about how to merge the images and save your creation as Windfarm  
                2. Experiment with Aviary Image Editing features by uploading and merging other images of your choice!  Create at least 1 additional merged image file in Aviary and save it to your Aviary account.

                - Part 4) Through?

                1. Continue working on your Yearbook Cover ideas
                2. Browse these Duct Tape resources

                  Wednesday 26th: Early Release Day – School releases at 1:50PM after testing  PJs Day

                  There are no regular classes for students today.  Good luck with your Testing!


                  Vocabulary Resources Training for Staff

                  1. Collaborative Vocabulary Lists
                  2. Vocabulary Related Tools
                  3. Word Clouds
                  4. Vocabulary Related Projects
                    • Glogster EDU (cool electronic linked posters with embedded animations, audio and video!)
                      • Glogpedia (top glogs which you can use for instruction, extensions, etc.)
                    1. Other Topics

                      Thursday 27th: Nerd day

                      - Part 1) Review

                      1. Logon to your Gmail
                      2. Checkout the weather forecast for today
                      3. Here’s the Bell Schedule for the dance tomorrow
                      4. Checkout these student image creations:
                        • StudentImageMerges

                      - Part 2) New

                      1. Learn how to remove the white border from magic wand images

                      - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

                      1. Create some image alterations/merges for Twins Day, Nerd Day, or Duct Tape Day for next year’s Red Ribbon Week (like these Frog Twins for Twins Day): 
                        • Frog Twins
                      2. Practice with Aviary image editing tools like smudge and liquefy (like this example Freaky Frog Halloween Mask) 
                        •  Freaky_Frog_Halloween_Mask

                      - Part 4) Through?

                      1. Try this virtual pumpkin carving activity
                        • bms pumpkin
                      2. Use Aviary to touch-up your virtual pumpkin creation!
                        • BMS Pumpkin2

                        Friday 28th: Halloween Day

                        - Part 1) Review

                        1. Logon to your Gmail
                        2. View these Halloween Safety Tips
                        3. Here’s the Bell Schedule for the dance today

                        - Part 2) New

                        1. Please complete the 2.10 Weekly Reflections Form

                        - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

                        1. Complete your Red Ribbon Week Composite image and pumpkin carving image from yesterday and save them to your Aviary account. 
                        2. Your images will be captured and added to a new presentation called 2.11 Aviary on Monday!  Here are some examples:
                          • RedRibbonWeekImages
                        3. View this week’s video clips

                        - Part 4) Through?

                        1. View these Halloween Safety Tips!
                        2. Work on a Yearbook Cover for our school using the new Aviary tools which you have learned!  Explore these galleries for ideas:

                        Week of Oct 17th–Oct 21st

                        Highlights for the week:

                        Monday 17th:

                        - Part 1) Review

                        1. Read the Weekly Reflection responses from last week.  If you don’t see your name, then you haven’t completed it!
                        2. Check your Gmail
                        3. Check your grades for the the 2nd Progress Reporting period (which ends this Friday!).  The lowest grade I give is a 6 out of 10, so where you see 6s, you are missing that assignment. 
                        4. If you complete a missing grade, please send me an email with the completed assignment number so I can update your grade!
                        5. Check your Gdocs 103 student collection, which should look like this (2.3 and 2.6 aren’t in the list because they are weekly reflections forms):
                          • image5

                        - Part 2) New

                        1. Explore Google Moon and Mars (which you can open from the top toolbar)
                          • image
                          • Use the Layers options on the left of your screen to find your way around mars (and the moon)
                          • image

                        - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

                        1. Create a collage of your favorite images in InterWrite, copy to Paint, save as a JPG named M&M and then upload to your Gdocs 103 collection 
                          • You should capture at least 3 images from each (Moon and Mars) for your collage
                        2. Explore the Planet Earth tour in Google Earth using the kml file which you can find in the resources collection in this image: 
                          • Planet Earth kml

                          - Part 4) Through?

                          1. Complete any missing assignments from 2.1-2.6 for Progress Reports

                            Tuesday 18th:

                            - Part 1) Review

                            1. Check your Gmail
                            2. Check your grades for the the 2nd Progress Reporting period (which ends this Friday!). The lowest grade I give is a 6 out of 10, so where you see 6s, you are missing that assignment.
                            3. If you complete a missing grade, please send me an email with the completed assignment number so I can update your grade!

                            - Part 2) New

                            1. Introduce Visuwords
                            2. Introduce Wordsmyth
                            3. Introduce Wordnik

                            - Part 3) Do - Today students will analyze and compare a variety of modern, language-related, web-based services by completing the following steps…

                            1. Choose 1 word from this list to enter into Visuwords  
                              • Capture the word-map and paste it into a new IW called ‘Words’
                              • Save your IW ‘Words’ file in your S-drive
                            2. Choose 5 words starting with different letters from this list to enter into the Wordsmyth Glossary Maker
                              • Create a glossary of your 5 words
                              • Capture your glossary in your IW Words file
                            3. Enter the word sincere into Wordnik
                              • Capture 3 images to add to your IW words file (if images are blocked you may use Google image search in place of Wordnik to search for related images)
                            4. Copy your completed IW page into paint, save it in your S-drive as a JPG named Words1 (which we will use to create a presentation later in the week)
                            5. Here’s an example of a completed Words1 JPG file (reduced size): try the hotspots on this image!
                              • Words 

                            - Part 4) Through?

                            1. Explore any of the 3 words resources from the new section further

                              Wednesday 19th:

                              - Part 1) Review

                              1. Check your Gmail for some information for today
                              2. If you complete a missing grade, please send me an email with the completed assignment number so I can update your grade!
                              3. View these weather sites while you’re waiting for class to begin:

                              - Part 2) New

                              1. View this very difficult vocabulary list
                              2. How to create your 5 word quiz

                              - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

                              1. Challenge your teachers: Use the very difficult vocabulary list to create a 5 word quiz using the Wordsmyth Quiz Maker 
                                • Copy your Quiz and paste it in a new email
                                • Send the email to another teacher that you would like to test (add a copy to me so I can see your quiz)
                                  • In the subject line, you can paste this if you like:  Try this 5 words quiz!
                                  • In the body of the email, you can paste these direction if you like:  Please reply to this email with your highlighted choice for each word!  Thanks for trying this! 
                              2. Create your own Words Help Spreadsheet: Open your Gdocs 103 folder and choose Create New – Spreadsheet for you to record your words and definitions (so you can grade your teachers’ responses later) 
                                • image
                                • Name your spreadsheet  My Words List and make your spreadsheet look like this (you can view this example in the 103 Student Demo collection):
                                • My Words Example
                                • Enter the 5 words and definitions from your Teachers’ Quiz into your spreadsheet using Wordsmyth (the glossary maker will help you do this quickly and easily!)

                              - Part 4) Through?

                              1. Explore the very difficult vocabulary list
                              2. Explore this words site from Anna: http://www.armoredpenguin.com/ (Thanks Anna!)

                                Thursday 20th:

                                - Part 1) Review

                                1. Logon to your Gmail for info on these topics: Yearbook Covers and Teacher Vocab Quiz responses
                                2. Check the weather for the next several days

                                - Part 2) New

                                1. View an example of the presentation (found in the 103 Student Demo collection) which you will begin creating today.  Here’s how you create a new Presentation in your Gdocs 103 Collection:
                                  • image

                                - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

                                1. Create a new Presentation in your Gdocs 103 Collection
                                  1. the title should be: 2.7 My Words
                                  2. choose a background which you have created for all of your slides
                                  3. on slide 1, insert your Words1 JPG from Tuesday (it should be in your S-drive)
                                  4. Complete your My Words List spreadsheet from yesterday (it should have 5 words and definitions in it)
                                2. Copy the words and definitions from your My Words List spreadsheet
                                  1. use what you’ve copied to design a Wordle or Tagxedo
                                  2. capture it with IW
                                  3. copy to paint and save it as a JPG to your s-drive as wordcloud
                                  4. insert your wordcloud image on slide 2 of your 2.7 My Words Presentation
                                  5. check to make sure your 2.7 My Words Presentation is in your Gdocs 103 Collection so I can see it

                                - Part 4) Through?

                                1. Discuss Yearbook cover and explore galleries for ideas

                                  Friday 21st:

                                  - Part 1) Review

                                  1. Check your Gmail
                                  2. Check to make sure your Gdocs 103 folder has the 5 assignments with numbers (in the red box in this image):
                                    • image

                                  - Part 2) New

                                  1. Complete the 2.8 Weekly Reflections Form #8

                                  - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

                                  1. Complete your 2.7 My Words Presentation assignment from yesterday and make sure it’s in your 103 collection so I can grade it! (It should look something like this)  
                                    • 2.8 slides
                                  2. View todays’ video collection

                                  - Part 4) Through?

                                  1. Explore galleries for Yearbook Cover ideas

                                    Week of Oct 10th–Oct 14th

                                    Highlights for the week:

                                    Monday 10th:

                                    - Part 1) Review

                                    1. View the reflections from last week.  If you don’t see your name in the list, please complete the reflections form by clicking here: 2.3 Weekly Reflections Form #6
                                    2. View examples of student work in the Gdocs Student Works collection. Check only one block at a time! See a picture of this by clicking here 

                                    - Part 2) New

                                    1. What is ‘lmgtfy’? Click here to find out!
                                    2. Try this Google Search for Chuck Norris
                                    3. Try this StudyStack review of the parts of a story (also known as Plot Maps)

                                    - Part 3) Do

                                    1. Many students have not completed our 2.2 My Streetviews assignment, so I’m going to give you this additional class period to complete it (or to refine it)! Here are the original 2.2 assignment instructions:
                                      • Create a Google Docs presentation called 2.2 MyStreetviews with 5 slides of your favorite streetview locations using a background which you have created using FlamePaint, SumoPaint, etc.  Remember, to add streetview images you will need to capture them with IW, cut and paste them into paint, save them as JPGs and insert them into your new presentation!
                                      • To create a new presentation, open your Google Docs 103 folder, and then click on the highlighted section (there’s a picture below):
                                      • image

                                    - Part 4) Through?

                                    1. View these Animal Tracks Images
                                    2. Practice the StudyStack review of the parts of a story

                                      Tuesday 11th:

                                      - Part 1) Review

                                      1. Logon to your Gmail so the links in this blog will work correctly for you
                                      2. How to search for an assignment using ctrl+F keys and the assignment number

                                      - Part 2) New

                                      1. Demonstrate Similar Site Search to find similar sites
                                      2. Try these interesting interactives:

                                      - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

                                      1. Assess the functionality of short URLs
                                      2. Revise and improve their collection of streetview locations
                                        • Copy and paste new locations recommended by students from the Streetview Tour Demo into your own Streetview Tour Spreadsheet
                                      3. Enhance their Streetview locations collection by adding their favorite suggestions by students
                                        • Add your 3 favorite new locations to your 2.2 MyStreetviews Presentation so you will have a new total of 8 slides in your presentation

                                      - Part 4) Through?

                                      1. Look for more Streetviews ideas (places to add to the tour) and send me a gmail with your ideas.
                                      2. Check to see if Google Sky works on your computer

                                        Wednesday 12th:

                                        - Part 1) Review

                                        1. Logon to your Google Documents and open your 103 collection
                                        2. Send a Gzaas message to a friend in an email to brighten their day

                                        - Part 2) New

                                        1. How to create a form to send to your ‘My Teachers’ email group
                                        2. See what’s new in Google Earth 6
                                        3. How to make a globe out of a Google Earth Images Collection

                                        - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

                                        1. Create a form with one question (paragraph style answer) to send to your teachers.  You can copy the question below and paste it into the question block.  Here are the steps to do this:
                                          1. Open your Gdocs 103
                                          2. Choose ‘create new’, then ‘form’
                                          3. Copy and paste the following into the Question 1 space – What’s the best thing a student can do to be successful in your class?
                                          4. Save your form as Form1, copy the link to your form and paste it in an email to your teachers
                                        2. Download and explore the Google Earth tour called ‘local places’ which can be found in the Resources Google Docs Folder
                                        3. Create a Sphere of your favorite locations by following these steps:
                                          1. Use IW to capture 5 or more images from the local places tour; caution: don’t open Google Earth in full screen… keep your IW toolbar on your desktop off to the side away from Google Earth! (you can add some places of your own, but not your house or anything else which identifies you!) (View demo again)
                                          2. Save your IW file to your S-drive as ‘ Google Earth ’ (View demo again)
                                          3. Copy and paste your collection into paint, save it as a JPG named ‘ Google Earth ’ (View demo again)
                                          4. Upload your Google Earth JPG to SumoPaint and make a sphere out of it (use the settings in this image to create a sphere). Save your SumoPaint creation as ‘ 2.4 Earth Globe ’ to your desktop or S-drive (View demo again)
                                            • sphere
                                          5. Upload ‘ 2.4 Earth Globe ’ to your Gdocs 103 collection.  It should look something like this: (View demo again)
                                            • 2.4_Earth_Globe

                                        - Part 4) Through?

                                        1. Explore Google Earth in Sky mode for a similar activity tomorrow
                                        2. Explore more places in your Streetviews Tour spreadsheet (in your Gdocs 103 collection)

                                          Thursday 13th:

                                          - Part 1) Review

                                          1. Check your Gmail for some information on creating backgrounds
                                          2. Check your ‘Form1’ spreadsheet for responses from your teachers!
                                          3. Review how to move Form1 into your 103 collection… I have only replied to those who have done that!

                                          - Part 2) New

                                          1. Discuss the new 1% reminder rule!
                                          2. See how to use ‘alt+Fn+prt sc’ to capture an ‘imagination’ creation which you can then paste into paint and crop to create presentation backgrounds like those in this slideshow or a few others in this presentation


                                          - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

                                          1. Download and explore the Google Earth tour called ‘SkyTour’ which can be found in the Resources Google Docs Folder
                                            • Choose Switch to Sky when you see this:
                                            • image 
                                          2. Create a Cube of your 5 favorite SkyTour locations by following the same steps you used yesterday to make a Sphere.  Save it as ‘ 2.5 SkyCube ’ and upload it to your Gdocs 103 collection.  It should look something like this:
                                            •  StarCube1
                                          3. Here are the screencast reviews for the steps from yesterday and today.  To view them, click on the link and download them to your desktop… then double-click on them.
                                            1. Use IW to capture 5 or more images from the local places tour (View demo again)
                                            2. Save your IW file to your S-drive as ‘ Google Earth ’ (View demo again)
                                            3. Copy and paste your collection into paint, save it as a JPG named ‘ Google Earth ’ (View demo again)
                                            4. Upload your Google Earth JPG to SumoPaint and make a sphere out of it (View demo again)
                                              • sphere
                                            5. Upload ‘ 2.4 Earth Globe ’ to your Gdocs 103 collection (View demo again)

                                          - Part 4) Through?

                                          1. Explore Google Earth and Sky!
                                          2. Make your own form for your friends to answer!

                                            Friday 14th:

                                            - Part 1) Review

                                            1. A message for you :)
                                            2. Check your ‘Form1’ spreadsheet for responses from your teachers!
                                            3. Check your Gdocs 103 collection to make sure it has the following files in it and that they are named correctly!  (especially 2.1, 2.2, 2.4 and 2.5)
                                              • image

                                            - Part 2) New

                                            1. Complete the 2.6 weekly reflection form #7 

                                            - Part 3) Do - Today students will…

                                            1. Complete any assignments which are missing from the list in the image above
                                            2. View the Friday video clips collection

                                            - Part 4) Through?

                                            1. Explore Google Earth and Sky!

                                            Week of Oct 3rd–Oct 7th

                                            Highlights for the week:

                                            Monday 3rd:

                                            - Part 1) Review

                                            1. View the reflections from last week. (I posted your ideas in the green highlighted column so all BMS teachers could see them!)
                                            2. Check your Gmail
                                            3. Check your Grades.  All grades for this class for the 1st 6 weeks grading period have been posted.  The lowest grade I give on an assignment is a 6 out of 10, so where you see that number, the assignment was not turned in.

                                            - Part 2) New

                                            1. Open your Gdocs 103 folder and drag all files into the collection labeled 1st
                                            2. View and discuss the IW Thinkmap2 file (page1 images)

                                            Thinkmap2 - Fruits and Animals

                                            - Part 3) Do

                                            1. Enter your ideas in this Thinkmap2 form.
                                            2. Then view these page2 images:                                            
                                            3.  Thinkmap2 - Apples and Oranges
                                            4. On your IW file (page 2 slide), list the similarities and differences of the 2 images (at least 3 in each category) and complete the following steps:
                                              1. Capture your results from page2 using the camera tool in IW
                                              2. Cut and paste them into paint
                                              3. Save them as a JPG with the name Thinkmap2 to your S-drive
                                              4. Upload Thinkmap2 to your Gdocs 103 Folder
                                              5. This is the 1st assignment of the 2nd 6 weeks!

                                            - Part 4) Through?

                                            1. We will view the Google Translate Slam video clip
                                            2. Explore Google Translate for an activity we will do tomorrow

                                              Tuesday 4th: Pep Rally today at 3:00 – All of your classes will be a little shorter

                                              - Part 1) Review

                                              1. View the Bell Schedule for today

                                              - Part 2) New

                                              1. Introduce the Time Duration Calculator
                                              2. View ‘How to rename a file’ and rename your Thinkmap2 file (new name: 2.1 Thinkmap2) so that I can search for it more easily

                                              - Part 3) Do

                                              1. Complete yesterday’s assignment (your IW file - page 2 slide), list the similarities and differences of the 2 images (at least 3 in each category) and complete the following steps:
                                                1. Capture your results from page2 using the camera tool in IW
                                                2. Cut and paste them into paint
                                                3. Save them as a JPG with the name 2.1 Thinkmap2 to your S-drive
                                                4. Upload Thinkmap2 to your Gdocs 103 Folder
                                              2. It should look something like this: 2.1 Thinkmap2 (50%)
                                              3. Use the Time Duration Calculator to figure out how long it will take until the Pep Rally starts and send me an email with your answer and a link to your 2.1 Thinkmap2 file. 
                                                • I will reply with a link to a new program to try!

                                              - Part 4) Through?

                                              1. Explore these Lego Creations,
                                              2. Explore this Legoland interactive map and streetview tour
                                              3. …or go straight to this Google Map of Legoland and this Legoland City

                                                Wednesday 5th:

                                                - Part 1) Review

                                                1. Check your Gmail for a message which I sent to all teachers this morning
                                                2. Open your Gdocs Resources Collection

                                                - Part 2) New

                                                1. View these clips:
                                                  • Google Presentations Overview
                                                  • 450 page Demo Slam
                                                2. View the Presentations backgrounds Demo Gdoc in the Resources Collection
                                                3. Explore the 450 slide Google Presentation from the video clip (large file which takes some time to open!)

                                                - Part 3) Do

                                                1. Create a new Gdoc Presentation called My Backgrounds and create 5 new slides with backgrounds you’ve created using Flamepaint, SumoPaint, Paint, etc., and save it in your Gdocs 103 folder so I can see it. Remember, the instructions for how to do this are in the Presentations backgrounds Demo (in your Resources folder)!
                                                2. Our next assignment will be to find some interesting streetview sites (like this one: Legoland City which is found here: Google Map of Legoland) and create a presentation tour to share with others!

                                                - Part 4) Through?

                                                1. Start looking for streetview sites to use in our next assignment!
                                                2. Continue exploring the 450 slide Google Presentation for ideas! (like animation via Google Presentations?)

                                                  Thursday 6th:

                                                  - Part 1) Review

                                                  1. Check your Gmail
                                                  2. Open your Gdocs Documents folder and move your MyBackgrounds file into your 103 Collection so I can see it

                                                  - Part 2) New

                                                  1. How to import slides into a new presentation
                                                  2. How to copy and rename the Streetview Tour Demo spreadsheet and add your own locations
                                                  3. How to insert Streetview images into your Presentation Project

                                                  - Part 3) Do

                                                  1. Complete your MyBackgrounds presentation with 5 slides of your created backgrounds.  Make sure you move it into your 103 collection so I can see it!
                                                  2. Evaluate a number of streetview locations using the Streetview Tour spreadsheet file in your Resources Collection
                                                    • Copy the Streetview Tour Demo file and name your copy Streetview Tour
                                                    • Explore the locations and find and more of your own as you discover them
                                                  3. Create a new presentation called 2.2 MyStreetviews with 5 slides of your favorite streetview locations.  Remember, to add streetview images you will need to capture them with IW, cut and paste them into paint, save them as JPGs and insert them into your new presentation!

                                                  - Part 4) Through?

                                                  1. Continue exploring and collecting new streetview images for your collection spreadsheet

                                                    Friday 7th:

                                                    - Part 1) Review

                                                    1. Here’s a message for you all :)
                                                    2. Logon to your Gmail and go to your documents to check to see if your 103 Collection has assignments 2.1 & 2.2 in it
                                                    3. Check the Gdocs Resources Collection for examples of what your assignments should look like

                                                    - Part 2) New

                                                    1. Complete 2.3 Weekly Reflections Form #6

                                                    - Part 3) Do

                                                    1. Complete assignment 2.1 (from Tuesday of this week)
                                                    2. Complete assignment 2.2 (from Thursday of this week). This presentation should have 5 slides of streetview locations and a background which you made using Flamepaint, Sumopaint or some other graphics software!
                                                    3. Check the Gdocs Resources Collection for examples of what your assignments should look like

                                                    - Part 4) Through?

                                                    1. Continue exploring streetview images from around the world!