Mon Sep 28th

General Plan:

  1. This is the last week of the 1st 6 weeks grading period.  Please check your online grades for missing assignments, especially near the end of the week.
  2. Today and tomorrow we will be looking at perhaps the biggest threat to our environment today… the loss of biodiversity.  The first link below shows the current assessment of that threat.
  3. Next, we’ll look at a very diverse location (the Ngorongoro Crater) which is actually a volcano caldera.
  4. Then, we will review information using InterWrite software on 1) Food Chains and Webs and Energy Pyramids and then 2) on Primary and Secondary Succession.  These should be saved to your desktop, then opened and edited and finally saved in your S-drive folder to be graded.
  5. Finally, we will look at some video clips on the topic of Biodiversity.
Links and Tasks for today: (save files to your desktop before opening!)
Additional Information:
  • PreAP Invasive Species project example .  This is due Friday, but you can receive 1 extra credit point for each day this project is turned in early.  If you make an electronic version of your project (using InterWrite, OneNote, PowerPoint, etc), please name your file ‘project1’ with no spaces and save it to your S-drive folder so I can find it easily!