Week of Mar 29th – Apr 1st

Highlights for the week: 


Monday 29th: Links and Tasks (save files to your desktop before opening!)     
  1. Update Agendas (view Current Events above while you wait for a signature)
  2. Download, complete and discuss the OneNote Page on Earth’s Seasons
  3. Complete 9-1 Section Summary Page (homework if not completed in class!)
  4. PreAP project on Moon Phases (presentations Apr 14th & 15th)
    • Option 1:  Create a 3D model (not a poster or powerpoint!) of the 8 moon phases
    • Option 2:  Create a short video (5min or less) in which group members use props to demonstrate the 8 moon phases
      • more information soon!

image Waxing or Waning?

Tuesday 30th: Links and Tasks (save files to your desktop before opening!)     

  1. Update Agendas
  2. Download, complete and discuss the OneNote Page on Lunar Phases
  3. Hubble Powerpoint Images Show (from Coach Champagne)
  4. Read Textbook section 9-2 (pages 306-316)
  5. Complete homework and/or previous assignments from yesterday
  6. PreAP: discuss project ideas

    image Full Moon

    Wednesday 31st: Links and Tasks (save files to your desktop before opening!)      

    1. Update Agendas
    2. Earth-Moon Test Review Sheet (Test Tomorrow!)
    3. Earth-Moon Jeopardy Review

    image  Waxing or Waning?

    Thursday 1st: Links and Tasks (save files to your desktop before opening!)      

    1. Update Agendas
    2. Earth-Moon Test
    3. Complete Workbook sect 9-2 (pgs101-106)

     image Waxing or Waning?

    Friday 2nd: Links and Tasks (save files to your desktop before opening!)     

    1. Easter Holiday!

    image Waxing or Waning?

    Additional Information:

    Week of Mar 22nd – Mar 26th

    General Plan:

    This week  we will: 

    Monday 22nd: Links and Tasks (save files to your desktop before opening!)     
    1. Last day of Spring Break!

    Tuesday 23rd: Links and Tasks (save files to your desktop before opening!)     

    1. Update Agendas 
    2. Watch short introductory clip: Earth’s Seasons
      • Use globe to demonstrate
    3. Read textbook Section 9-1 Earth-Moon System
    4. View Moon Mysteries Series

    Wednesday 24th: Links and Tasks (save files to your desktop before opening!)      

    1. Update Agendas
    2. Laptops will be reissued today
    3. Mall Area Behaviors Review
    4. View Current Events Links
    5. Earth-Moon Systems Prezi and Discussion
    6. Add key unit vocabulary to pages 41&42 of your interactive notebook
      • astronomy
      • axis 
      • rotation
      • revolution
      • orbit
      • latitude 
      • solstice 
      • equinox
    7. Earth-Moon System Notes Paper (Earth Section Only)

    Thursday 25th: Links and Tasks (save files to your desktop before opening!)      

    1. Update Agendas
    2. Last day of the 5th Progress Reporting Period (3 zeros = Saturday School this Saturday) 
    3. Download and view 5.5 Earth-Moon System (Earth) from the J-drive Today folder
      • Complete the Earth Section of the notes page
      • Ensure that you have added the vocabulary words to pages 41&42 of your Interactive Notebook
    4. View 3 Moon Video clips from the J-drive Today folder
    5. Ensure that you have completed WB pages 101-103
    6. Check Assignments List and complete missing assignments BY TODAY to ensure they appear on Progress Reports!

    Friday 26th: Links and Tasks (save files to your desktop before opening!)     

    1. Update Agendas
    2. Progress Reports get handed out today
    3. Download and view 5.6 Earth-Moon System (Moon) from the J-drive Today folder
      • Complete the Moon Section of the notes page
      • Ensure that you have added the vocabulary words to pages 41&42 of your Interactive Notebook
    4. Lunar phases and perspectives drawing.  Remember these:
      • How?  Light-Right to Left  (Light and shadows on the Moon always move right to left)
      • Why? Everything moves counter-clockwise (Earth and Moon both Rotate and Revolve in a counter-clockwise direction)
    5. Outside review (today or Monday)
    6. View 3 Moon Video clips

    Additional Information:

    Week of Mar 8th – Mar 12th

    General Plan:

    This week  we will: 

    • Complete our exploration of genetics
    • Learn about Punnett Squares and practice using them
    • Explore genetically modified foods and how we feel about them
    • Review for and take our 3rd Benchmark Exam
    Monday 8th: Links and Tasks (save files to your desktop before opening!)     
    1. Update Agendas
      • Agendas and laptops (unless your laptop is in the tech office) are required items for this class… failure to bring them to class results in a card signature!  Please bring your required materials to class!
    2. Review cafeteria expectations
    3. Study Stack Vocabulary Practice 
    4. Online Textbook terms review
    5. Take Vocabulary Quiz
    6. Discuss and practice Punnett Squares

    Tuesday 9th: Links and Tasks (save files to your desktop before opening!)     

    1. Update Agendas
    2. Watch these slide shows
    3. Download Genetics Extras folder from the J-drive Today and use it to help you with this:
    4. Watch the Genetically Modified Food clips and answer the questions using this form (or on a piece of paper if you don’t have your laptop

    Wednesday 10th: Links and Tasks (save files to your desktop before opening!)      

    1. Update Agendas
    2. Benchmark Exam Tomorrow 
    3. Benchmark Review (please download from the J-drive Today folder).  This review is worth up to 10 extra credit points toward your exam!

    Thursday 11th: Links and Tasks (save files to your desktop before opening!)      

    1. Update Agendas – Laptop turn-in day (for Spring Break)
    2. Briefly discuss the Review Key
    3. Benchmark Exam

    Friday 12th: Links and Tasks (save files to your desktop before opening!)     

    1. Update Agendas & complete laptop turn-in (7th period)
    2. Makeup work day.  Please check the Assignments List for missing assignments and complete them today!

    Additional Information:

    Fri Mar 5th

    General Plan:

    Today we will:  

    • Good News!  MP3/iPod use has been approved for use as directed by your teacher.  That means, don’t argue with your teachers about their MP3 rules or we will lose this opportunity!
    • More good news… Spring Break starts after next week!  We will have Science benchmark testing next Thursday
    • Heredity and Genetics vocabulary quiz on Monday
    • Continue exploring Genetics
    • Please download the files in the J-drive Today folder

     Links and Tasks for today: (save files to your desktop before opening!)      

    1. Please complete the Genes video clips and answer the related questions (handout) if you haven’t already done so!
    2. Update Agendas
      • Agendas and laptops (unless your laptop is in the tech office) are required items for this class… failure to bring them to class results in a card signature!  Please bring your required materials to class!
    3. 5.4 Heredity and Genetics Prezi (download from J-drive Today)
    4. Study Stack Vocabulary Practice  (Quiz Monday!)
    5. Try this: Online Survey ‘Your DNA and your traits’

     Additional Information:

    • Prezis (you may have trouble viewing these until your flash player is updated, but the versions you have downloaded to your desktop will work with or without an internet connection!)
    • Current Topics Text Materials

    Thurs Mar 4th

    General Plan:

    Today we will:  

    • Begin exploring Genetics
    • Please download the files in the J-drive Today folder

     Links and Tasks for today: (save files to your desktop before opening!)      

    1. We’re full of bacteria! (image is a link to the story)image 
    2. Update Agendas (discuss lockdown procedures & MP3)
    3. View and discuss ‘glow cats’ and ‘PGD screening clips’
    4. Complete iN Pg 39 as we discuss the clips above (please download the notebook update from the J-drive Today folder)
    5. EyePlorer Genetic Disorders 3-4-2010 3-46-12 AM
    6. Watch Genes video clips and answer the related questions (handout)
      • Genes Video Questions (PDF version)
    7. Complete the Online Survey ‘Your DNA and your traits’

     Additional Information:

    • Prezis (you may have trouble viewing these until your flash player is updated, but the versions you have downloaded to your desktop will work with or without an internet connection!)
    • Current Topics Text Materials

    Wed Mar 3rd

    General Plan:

    Today we will:  

    • TAKS Writing Test Today!  You will be testing in the 100 hall; the room assignments will be posted in the halls, cafeteria, in the back of this classroom, and also in my J-drive Today folder .  Good luck with your test!
    • Check the Assignments List for missing work.  You will have the opportunity to complete missing assignments in your afternoon science classes today

     Links and Tasks for today: (save files to your desktop before opening!)      

    1. News
    2. Please complete the following if you have not already done so (use the Assignments List to see if you have completed your assignments!)
      • Section 15-1 Summary (handout)
      • iN page 38 (use the Prezi to help you)
      • Add the top 11 vocabulary words and definitions from section 15-1 of your textbook to your iN pg 35-37  (Dendrite, Axon, Neuron, Stimulus, Interneuron, Synapse, Sensory neuron, Motor neuron, Nerve impulse, Homeostasis, Glucose)
      • The 3 video clips on the brain and answer the related questions using the online form (or a piece of notebook paper if you don’t have your laptop)
      • Excretory System Notes (Prezi from the J-drive)
    3. For those who are finished, we will watch ‘Life in the Undergrowth’
    4. Something else to explore

     Additional Information:

    • Prezis (you may have trouble viewing these until your flash player is updated, but the versions you have downloaded to your desktop will work with or without an internet connection!)
    • Current Topics Text Materials

    Tues Mar 2nd

    General Plan:

    Today we will: 

    • Continue exploring the Nervous System
    • Please download the 5.3 Excretory System folder and the video clips from the J-Drive Today folder
    • TAKS Writing Test Tomorrow!  You will be testing in the 100 hall; the room assignments will be posted in the halls, cafeteria, in the back of this classroom, and also in my J-drive today folder

     Links and Tasks for today: (save files to your desktop before opening!)      

    1. Discuss TAKS testing tomorrow
    2. Information on Earthquake in Chile 
    3. Excretory System Notes (Prezi from the J-drive)
    4. Please complete the following if you have not already done so (use the Assignments List to see if you have completed your assignments!)
      • Section 15-1 Summary (handout)
      • iN page 38 (use the Prezi to help you)
      • Add the top 11 vocabulary words and definitions from section 15-1 of your textbook to your iN pg 35-37  (Dendrite, Axon, Neuron, Stimulus, Interneuron, Synapse, Sensory neuron, Motor neuron, Nerve impulse, Homeostasis, Glucose)
      • The 3 video clips on the brain and answer the related questions using the online form (or a piece of notebook paper if you don’t have your laptop)
    5. For those who are finished, we will watch Pushing-the-Limits ‘Brainpower’
    6. Something else to explore

     Additional Information:

    • Prezis (you may have trouble viewing these until your flash player is updated, but the versions you have downloaded to your desktop will work with or without an internet connection!)
    • Current Topics Text Materials

    Mon Mar 1st

    General Plan:

    Today we will: 

    • Continue exploring the Nervous System
    • Please download the 5.2 iN 5th 6 Weeks folder from the J-Drive Today folder
    • TAKS Writing Test this Wednesday!  You will be testing in the 100 hall; the room assignments will be posted for you tomorrow

     Links and Tasks for today: (save files to your desktop before opening!)      

    1. EyePlorer search engine
    2. Section 15-1 Summary (handout)
    3. iN page 38 (use the Prezi to help you)
    4. Please complete the following if you have not already done so (use the Assignments List to see if you have completed your assignments!)
      • Add the top 11 vocabulary words and definitions from section 15-1 of your textbook to your iN pg 35-37  (Dendrite, Axon, Neuron, Stimulus, Interneuron, Synapse, Sensory neuron, Motor neuron, Nerve impulse, Homeostasis, Glucose)
      • The 3 video clips on the brain and answer the related questions using the online form (or a piece of notebook paper if you don’t have your laptop)
    5. For those who are finished, we will watch Pushing-the-Limits ‘Brainpower’
    6. Something else to explore

     Additional Information:

    • Prezis (you may have trouble viewing these until your flash player is updated, but the versions you have downloaded to your desktop will work with or without an internet connection!)
    • Current Topics Text Materials