Week of Apr 5th – Apr 9th

Highlights for the week: 

Monday 5th: Links and Tasks (save files to your desktop before opening!)     
  1. Update Agendas
  2. Earth-Moon Test Discussion 
  3. Download the Google Earth Prezi
    • Use this form (or a piece of notebook paper) to answer questions about the tour
    • Load and view .kmz files (from the J-drive Today)
      • Famous Places
      • Hang glider tour

Tuesday 6th: Links and Tasks (save files to your desktop before opening!)     

  1. Update Agendas
  2. 7th Grade Math TAKS practice test (all morning)
  3. PreAP Lunar Phases Project Information  
  4. Work on missing assignments

Wednesday 7th: Links and Tasks (save files to your desktop before opening!)      

  1. Update Agendas
  2. Read sections 4-1 & 4-2 of your text and complete related workbook pages
    • Workbook pages 37-41 Sections 4-1 & 4-2 (PDF Version)
    • Record the following definitions on a piece of notebook paper (you can find the definitions in the textbook glossary or the online glossary)
      1. Force
      2. Net Force
      3. Unbalanced Forces
      4. Balanced Forces
      5. Inertia
      6. Newton’s 1st Law
      7. Newton’s 2nd Law (just the formula)
      8. Newton’s 3rd Law
  3. PreAP Lunar Phases Project Information

Thursday 8th: Links and Tasks (save files to your desktop before opening!)      

  1. Update Agendas
  2. PreAP Lunar Phases Project Information (class discussion and signup – project DUE NEXT WEDNESDAY)
  3. Download, view and discuss Forces and Motion Prezi (use J-drive Today) 
  4. Complete Workbook pages and Vocabulary from yesterday

Friday 9th: Links and Tasks (save files to your desktop before opening!)     

Answers to PreAP project questions (DUE NEXT WEDNESDAY)

    • Note: Please fill out the Project Sign-up Form if you haven’t already done so!
    • How are we supposed to put an Eclipse on a video? You will either need to use shadows created by sunlight or a flashlight, or perhaps circles cut out of black construction paper to act as shadows
    • Can we use your room to record in? Yes you can, or you can use any other room (with permission) or better yet, record outside (no permission necessary for that!)
    • So we present this? Yes, you will need to present your project either by recording your presentation in a video or by presenting it ‘live’ in class
  1. Update Agendas
  2. Please download the 3 Motion video clips from the J-drive Today folder and answer the related questions using the form
    • Video Questions Form (Only one name per form will get credit for this!)
    • Please write your answers on a piece of notebook paper if you don’t have your laptop!
  3. Complete the Section 4-1 Summary (handout in class).  If you don’t finish this in class it is your homework assignment!
  4. Once you have completed the video questions and section summary:
    • PreAP classes may work on their projects (you must use your own materials for this!)
    • Regular classes should complete Workbook pages and Vocabulary from earlier this week (see Wednesday 7th above)

Additional Information: