Week of Nov 1st - Nov 5th

Highlights for the week: 

  • This is the last week of the 2nd 6 weeks!  We are 1/3 of the way through the year and 2/3 of the way through this class.
  • Please check your grades frequently this week to make sure you are caught up in all of your classes!

Monday 1st:

- Review

  1. Please test this link to your Glogster Account Information
  2. Try again to create a new Prezi Student Account using your Gmail address
  3. 7th grade students, please review these vocabulary words for today’s vocabulary quiz on Spanish Exploration.
  4. 8th grade students, please review these vocabulary words for today’s vocabulary quiz on Weather.

- New

  1. View this Presentation of Space Glogs and this Presentation of Halloween Glogs

- Do  (Steps marked with a * have a screencast in the J-drive/bmercer/Today folder.  Open screencasts with QuickTime for best results!)

  1. *Watch Overview screencast
  2. *7th Grade Comp Lit classes take this Vocabulary Quiz on Spanish Exploration
  3. *8th Grade Web Design classes take this Vocabulary Quiz on Weather
  4. Watch the Docs overview video clip which is called Docs in the folder for today’s screencasts (pay close attention… there’s a lot to see in this very short clip!)
  5. *View the Group Chat Demo G-Doc to get some ideas for your group assignment
  6. *Use your Group chat document to work together to choose your 3 favorite Glogs and capture and paste them into your group doc.  (You will need to resize the images to make them fit).  This assignment is worth 7 points (or 2 regular daily assignments): 1 point for each picture (for a total of 3), 1 point for each working link (for a total of 3), and 1 point for formatting your name and area.

- Through

  1. Watch this Amazing Amazon Slide Show
  2. Check out this Fun Prezi and click on Videos (with the arrows) to watch the Ship under bridge clip

Tuesday 2nd:

- Review

  1. Check Gmail and documents for updates (logon link, top right, link 2).  Anything from Prezi?  (…if there is, please forward that email to me so I can see what it looks like!  Thanks!)

- New

  1. Please take this very brief Extra Curricular Activities Survey on things you are involved in outside of the school!
  2. Try this Online Stopwatch (with lots of other functions).  There’s also a link in the Tools section to the right.

- Do  (Steps marked with a * have a screencast in the J-drive/bmercer/Today folder.  Open screencasts with QuickTime for best results!)

  1. *Overview
  2. *View the demo to see what step 6 from yesterday should have looked like.  If yours doesn’t look like that, please correct it!
  3. *Finding my stuff in docs
  4. *Finding and using templates
  5. *Go to our campus website public calendar and try to copy an event (like the early release day on Nov 17th) to your G-Apps calendar
  6. Try the Checkers Drawing template (share with a friend to play)

- Through?

  1. If you need to retake your vocab quiz from yesterday, here are the links to do so:
  2. Browse templates to find some you might be able to use
  3. Explore the Online Stopwatch functions
  4. Continue exploring the Fun Prezi and click on Videos (with the arrows) to watch the Ship under bridge clip and base jumping from the world’s tallest tower.

Wednesday 3rd:

- Review

  1. Use the star function in your G-Docs to mark and find your important documents
  2. Use the search window to find your G-Docs
  3. See who your G-Doc is shared with

- New

  1. View this Prezi on the first few days of the gulf oil spill to show how Prezi can be used to replay images and video from an important event

- Do  (Steps marked with a * have a screencast in the J-drive/bmercer/Today folder.  Open screencasts with QuickTime for best results!)

  1. *Overview of today
  2. *Use the Google News Timeline to find information on the oil spill by month.  Choose one article that interests you and copy the URL.  (If the site doesn’t work for some reason, just use a normal Google Search).
  3. *Open your Google Doc with your name as the title.  Paste the URL from step 2 into your Doc along with a little of the text so we can read what it’s about
  4. *Try another search on Google News Timeline to find information on any appropriate topic which interests you.  Again paste a link and some text in your Doc (with your name)
  5. *Use Google Squared to search for information on roller coasters.  (If the site doesn’t work for some reason, just use a normal Google Search).
  6. *Find some images on a roller coaster that interests you and and copy and paste the URL into your Google Doc.  Add a few images of coasters to your doc (this site might help with images)
  7. *Open this G-Doc spreadsheet called Roller Coaster Image Links, choose and open block and paste the link to your favorite coaster image in the block

- Through?

  1. If you need to retake your vocab quiz from yesterday, here are the links to do so:
  2. Checkout these photos from the Nikon Small World Photomicrography Competition
  3. Check your grades for missing assignments or low grades and complete or update them.

Thursday 4th:

- Review

  1. How to copy and paste links and text into Google Docs and Spreadsheets

- New

  1. Watch this ‘What’s my sentence’ project clip as a class
  2. Think about what your sentence might be and enter it in this form
  3. Check out the 3 new folders in your Google Documents called ‘Nice Work!’ (with examples of work well done from yesterday’s assignments), ‘Today’s Assignments’ with an example of what we will be doing today, and ‘How-to (for students)’ with helpful information.
  4. Some of you added the date in the title which was very helpful to me.  Thanks for doing that!  If you’re not sure what your documents should look like, look in this folder!

- Do  (Steps marked with a * have a screencast in the J-drive/bmercer/Today folder.  Open screencasts with QuickTime for best results!)

  1. *Overview
  2. Complete steps 3-5 from yesterday and please add the date (Nov4) in the title after your name.
  3. *Complete step 7 and add links to cool or unusual coasters so we can all see them!
  4. *Create a new spreadsheet with your name and the date in the title, and share it with me to receive credit for this assignment (example: Mark Twain Nov4). 
  5. *Create 2 multiplication tables (one with the numbers 1-10, and one with the numbers 60-70).  Format the colors of your tables like the example.

- Through?

  1. Watch this Animal Tracks Slideshow
  2. Check your grades for missing assignments or low grades in all classes and complete or update them.

Friday 5th:

- Review

  1. Calculator formula and tips for making your tables work correctly!

- New

  1. Test this calendar link.  Try to copy events to your calendar.
  2. Updated assignments list with links to the week in which they were assigned.  The key assignment step is highlighted for each assignment.

- Do  (Steps marked with a * have a screencast in the J-drive/bmercer/Today folder.  Open screencasts with QuickTime for best results!)

  1. *Overview screencast
  2. *Watch the Spreadsheets intro clip to show you some of the spreadsheet features
  3. *View the examples of student work
  4. *More help with the calculator spreadsheet
  5. Complete your G-Apps Spreadsheet assignment from yesterday

- Through?

  1. Check the Graded Assignments List to make sure you have completed all assignments for this grading period
  2. If you have completed an assignment but the gradebook still shows a zero for a grade, please send me an email letting me know you have completed it (with the name of the assignment in the email!)

Additional Information:

  • Prezis