Week of Apr 25th–Apr 29th

Highlights for the week:

  • TEKS for this week – 1F, 4A, 5A&C, 8A,D&E, 11A, 12D
  • TAKS Testing Week – Good Luck!

Monday 25th:

- Part 1) Review

  1. Check your grades to see the extra credit assignments which you have created
  2. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
  3. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)

- Part 2) New

  1. The Windows Movie Maker screencast of Chogger, Dvolver and Voki is due today!  It should be named 6-1 project1a and uploaded to your 103 folder.

- Part 3) Do

  1. Please complete your ratings of the Websites-of-the-day ( links to all 3 programs have been added to the form at the top ) using this form: Rate this site form (You can earn up to 3 points extra credit for completing this 3 question form).
  2. Continue our first project of the final 6 weeks (called ‘Project1’) which will use Windows Movie Maker to record brief demonstrations and reviews of each of the Website-of-the-day sites (what you like and don’t like about each).
  3. You should have the following things completed (or at least started)
    • Make a folder called Project1 in your S-drive
    • Create a Chogger Comic strip, review it using this form, and make a screencast avi file and save it in your Project1 folder as ‘Chogger sc’
    • Create a 3-scene Dvolver Movie, review it using this form, and make a screencast avi file and save it in your Project1 folder as ‘Dvolver sc’
    • Create a Voki Speaking Character, review it using this form, and make a screencast avi file and save it in your Project1 folder as ‘Voki sc’
    • Use Windows Movie Maker to collect your 1st 3 screencasts into one Movie.  Save the Movie in your S-drive as a new project called ‘6-1 Project1a’ until it is completed so you can continue editing it.  When the movie is completed, publish it (save it as a movie file named 6-1 Project1a) and upload it to your 103 folder to be graded

- Part 4) Through?

  1. Check out these World’s Cutest Sea Creature images from Our Amazing Planet

    Tuesday 26th: TAKS Testing Day

    - Part 1) Review

    1. Check your grades to see the extra credit assignments which you have created
    2. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
    3. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)

    - Part 2) New

    1. Due to TAKS testing and the fact that there are classes which I will not see the rest of the week, there will be no new assignments until next week!

    - Part 3) Do

    1. Please complete your ratings of the Websites-of-the-day ( links to all 3 programs have been added to the form at the top ) using this form: Rate this site form (You can earn up to 3 points extra credit for completing this 3 question form).
    2. Continue our first project of the final 6 weeks (called ‘Project1’) which will use Windows Movie Maker to record brief demonstrations and reviews of each of the Website-of-the-day sites (what you like and don’t like about each).
    3. You should have the following things completed (or at least started)
      • Make a folder called Project1 in your S-drive
      • Create a Chogger Comic strip, review it using this form, and make a screencast avi file and save it in your Project1 folder as ‘Chogger sc’
      • Create a 3-scene Dvolver Movie, review it using this form, and make a screencast avi file and save it in your Project1 folder as ‘Dvolver sc’
      • Create a Voki Speaking Character, review it using this form, and make a screencast avi file and save it in your Project1 folder as ‘Voki sc’
      • Use Windows Movie Maker to collect your 1st 3 screencasts into one Movie. Save the Movie in your S-drive as a new project called ‘6-1 Project1a’ until it is completed so you can continue editing it. When the movie is completed, publish it (save it as a movie file named 6-1 Project1a) and upload it to your 103 folder to be graded

    - Part 4) Through?

    1. Check out these top underwater photos from MSNBC

      Wednesday 27th: TAKS Testing Day

      - Part 1) Review

      1. Check your grades to see the extra credit assignments which you have created
      2. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
      3. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)

      - Part 2) New

      1. Due to TAKS testing and the fact that there are classes which I will not see the rest of the week, there will be no new assignments until next week!

      - Part 3) Do

      1. Please complete your ratings of the Websites-of-the-day ( links to all 3 programs have been added to the form at the top ) using this form: Rate this site form (You can earn up to 3 points extra credit for completing this 3 question form).
      2. Continue our first project of the final 6 weeks (called ‘Project1’) which will use Windows Movie Maker to record brief demonstrations and reviews of each of the Website-of-the-day sites (what you like and don’t like about each).
      3. You should have the following things completed (or at least started)
        • Make a folder called Project1 in your S-drive
        • Create a Chogger Comic strip, review it using this form, and make a screencast avi file and save it in your Project1 folder as ‘Chogger sc’
        • Create a 3-scene Dvolver Movie, review it using this form, and make a screencast avi file and save it in your Project1 folder as ‘Dvolver sc’
        • Create a Voki Speaking Character, review it using this form, and make a screencast avi file and save it in your Project1 folder as ‘Voki sc’
        • Use Windows Movie Maker to collect your 1st 3 screencasts into one Movie. Save the Movie in your S-drive as a new project called ‘6-1 Project1a’ until it is completed so you can continue editing it. When the movie is completed, publish it (save it as a movie file named 6-1 Project1a) and upload it to your 103 folder to be graded


        Thursday 28th: TAKS Testing Day

        - Part 1) Review

        1. Check your grades to see the extra credit assignments which you have created
        2. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
        3. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)

        - Part 2) New

        1. Due to TAKS testing and the fact that there are classes which I will not see the rest of the week, there will be no new assignments until next week!

        - Part 3) Do

        1. Please complete your ratings of the Websites-of-the-day ( links to all 3 programs have been added to the form at the top ) using this form: Rate this site form (You can earn up to 3 points extra credit for completing this 3 question form).
        2. Continue our first project of the final 6 weeks (called ‘Project1’) which will use Windows Movie Maker to record brief demonstrations and reviews of each of the Website-of-the-day sites (what you like and don’t like about each).
        3. You should have the following things completed (or at least started)
          • Make a folder called Project1 in your S-drive
          • Create a Chogger Comic strip, review it using this form, and make a screencast avi file and save it in your Project1 folder as ‘Chogger sc’
          • Create a 3-scene Dvolver Movie, review it using this form, and make a screencast avi file and save it in your Project1 folder as ‘Dvolver sc’
          • Create a Voki Speaking Character, review it using this form, and make a screencast avi file and save it in your Project1 folder as ‘Voki sc’
          • Use Windows Movie Maker to collect your 1st 3 screencasts into one Movie. Save the Movie in your S-drive as a new project called ‘6-1 Project1a’ until it is completed so you can continue editing it. When the movie is completed, publish it (save it as a movie file named 6-1 Project1a) and upload it to your 103 folder to be graded

        - Part 4) Through?

        1. Check out these Photos-of-the-day from National Geographic

          Friday 29th: TAKS Testing Day (Monday is a Student Holiday)

          - Part 1) Review

          1. Check your grades to see the extra credit assignments which you have created
          2. All of the links you need for Project1 are on the Student Links Map
          3. Remember to use FireFox for Google Docs and many of the links from this Blog and to use IE for Flash-based websites (things which won’t open correctly in FireFox… like Chogger)

          - Part 2) New

          1. Due to TAKS testing and the fact that there are classes which I will not see the rest of the week, there will be no new assignments until next week!
          2. Monday is a student holiday!

          - Part 3) Do

          1. Please complete your ratings of the Websites-of-the-day ( links to all 3 programs have been added to the form at the top ) using this form: Rate this site form (You can earn up to 3 points extra credit for completing this 3 question form).
          2. Continue our first project of the final 6 weeks (called ‘Project1’) which will use Windows Movie Maker to record brief demonstrations and reviews of each of the Website-of-the-day sites (what you like and don’t like about each).
          3. You should have the following things completed (or at least started)
            • Make a folder called Project1 in your S-drive
            • Create a Chogger Comic strip, review it using this form, and make a screencast avi file and save it in your Project1 folder as ‘Chogger sc’
            • Create a 3-scene Dvolver Movie, review it using this form, and make a screencast avi file and save it in your Project1 folder as ‘Dvolver sc’
            • Create a Voki Speaking Character, review it using this form, and make a screencast avi file and save it in your Project1 folder as ‘Voki sc’
            • Use Windows Movie Maker to collect your 1st 3 screencasts into one Movie. Save the Movie in your S-drive as a new project called ‘6-1 Project1a’ until it is completed so you can continue editing it. When the movie is completed, publish it (save it as a movie file named 6-1 Project1a) and upload it to your 103 folder to be graded

          - Part 4) Through?

          1. Check out the Media Shows from this Week!

            Additional Help and Information:

            1. YouTube How-to Videos for this class
            2. G-Apps How2 Videos