Week2 of Jan 16th–Jan 20th

Highlights for the week:
  • View the BMS Public Calendar for this weeks events!
  • Tip: Use ctrl+f and enter the date as a number to jump quickly to Blog entry for today!
Monday 16th: Holiday!
    Tuesday 17th:
    - Part 1) Review
    1. Please check your laptop for damages and report problems to me!
    2. Review Behavior for last week and discuss missing Behavior Contracts by class period (here’s a link to complete this form):
      • 1st – Alicia
      • 2nd – Pedro, Zach M
      • 3rd – All complete!
      • 5th – Jaeson
      • 7th - All complete!
    3. Need new RUP forms (parent authorization form available in class to have a Google Apps/Gmail  account)
      • 2nd – Tristan
      • 5th – Efrain, Nathan
    4. Daily Warmup Activity (2min timer if necessary – no talking while you complete your warmup please!)
      • Please look over our District Responsible Use Policy (also called the RUP), and tell me very briefly (and in a complete sentence/sentences) what you think the purpose of that document is. For example, what is it for, or what are you agreeing to when you sign it?
      • Use the Daily Warm-up Form to record your answer
    5. Review Friday’s warmup (click on hotspot for full size view).  Click here for more weather records
      • image
    - Part 2) New
    1. Introduce Gradebook Logon (discuss ‘6’s)
    2. Introduce Paint program to convert image file types from IW (GWB) to JPG (View screencast)
    3. Review Thinkmap1 requirements (Due today!) 
    4. Introduce Flamepaint (if it doesn’t start automatically, click the play button to watch the slideshow)
    - Part 3) Do - Today students will…
    1. Complete your Thinkmap1 assignment which is due today! 
      1. Capture your map (use ctrl+C or ctrl+X key combinations to copy or cut from IW)
      2. Paste it into paint (use ctrl+V to paste into Paint)
      3. Save it to your S-drive as a JPG file named Thinkmap1 
    2. Experiment with the Flamepaint application 
      • Adjust the control sliders one-at-a-time to see what effect they have on your brush
    3. Robotics students:
    - Part 4) Through?
    1. Explore these Legoland locations in streetview (drag pegman onto the map – red arrows below)
      Wednesday 18th:
      - Part 1) Review
      1. Please check your laptop for damages and report problems to me!
      2. Need new RUP forms (parent authorization form available in class to have a Google Apps/Gmail account)
        • 2nd – Tristan
        • 5th – Efrain, Nathan
      3. Daily Warmup Activity (2min timer if necessary – no talking while you complete your warmup please!)
        • Please find the definition of the word Invigorate (verb form of the word) and enter it in the daily warmup form below (you will have to look this word up – copy the word by double-clicking on it to highlight it and then using ‘ctrl+c’ to copy it and then click here for help finding the definition!)
        • Use the Daily Warm-up Form to record your answer
        - Part 2) New
        1. If you complete an assignment after the due date, please send me an email to let me know what you have completed (include the name of the assignment so that I will know where to look) and I will update your grade!
        2. Discuss your Google Documents folder (view screencast)
          • Upload your Thinkmap1.jpg file to your Gdocs 103 student folder (where you can access it from any internet connection or smartphone)
        3. Introduce StudyStacks using this stack on ‘ Ctrl+__ Keyboard Shortcuts ’ 
        4. Review Flamepaint controls which will allow you to write (Here are some examples with slight variations)
        - Part 3) Do - Today students will…
        1. Upload your completed Thinkmap1 JPG file to your Google Docs 103 Student  Folder. (Robotics students must upload their file before starting the ‘Make a name for yourself’ Legos project!) 
          •  Gdocs view
        2. Practice this StudyStack on ‘ Ctrl+__ Keyboard Shortcuts ’ 
          • Try all of the different review options to see what they do
          • image 
        3. Use Flamepaint to practice writing your name 
          • Experiment with one adjustment bar at a time to see what they do!
          • Here are some examples with slight variations
        - Part 4) Through?
        1. Complete your Thinkmap1 file if you haven’t done so already.  Be sure to upload it to your Gdocs 103 student folder so I can grade it!
        2. Continue exploring these Legoland locations in streetview
          Thursday 19th:
          - Part 1) Review
          1. Please check your laptop for damages and report problems to me!
          2. Need new RUP forms (parent authorization form available in class to have a Google Apps/Gmail account)
            • 2nd – Tristan
            • 5th – Efrain, Nathan
          3. Daily Warmup Activity (2min timer if necessary – no talking while you complete your warmup please!)
            • Please translate the definition for invigorate from English to Spanish and copy/paste the Spanish translation into the warmup form for today.  Here are the links which you will need to do this
            • Here’s what Google Translate for this warmup looks like
            • image
            • Use the Daily Warm-up Form to record your answer
          - Part 2) New
          1. Here’s a link to an article about yesterday’s SOPA blackout which also explains a little about both sides of the argument
          - Part 3) Do - Today students will…
          1. Use Flamepaint to practice writing your name or creating cool backgrounds 
            • Experiment with one adjustment bar at a time to see what they do!
            • Here are some examples with slight variations
          2. Practice the IW to Paint to JPG to Gdocs folder process 
            • Capture some of your Flamepaint creations (at least 3) with IW
            • Use the camera tool to copy/paste your creations into Paint
            • Save your Paint file as a JPG file type named Flamepaint
            • Upload your file into your Gdoc folder
          3. Complete your Thinkmap1 file if you haven’t done so already. Be sure to upload it to your Gdocs 103 student folder so I can grade it!
            • Ask other students (next to you) for help with this or anything else if you need it!
          - Part 4) Through?
          1. Try some of these other Escapemotion experiments from the creator of Flamepaint
            Friday 20th: Tomorrow - UIL competition at Elgin Middle School tomorrow.  Good Luck to all participants!
            - Part 1) Review
            1. Please check your laptop for damages and report problems to me!
            2. Need new RUP forms (parent authorization form available in class to have a Google Apps/Gmail account)
              • 2nd – Tristan
              • 5th – Efrain, Nathan
            3. Daily Warmup Activity (2min timer if necessary – no talking while you complete your warmup please!)
            - Part 2) New
            1. Please do not eat or drink in this classroom!
            2. Review folders for Thinkmap1.jpg and Flamepaint.jpg uploads
            3. Daily Warmup Grade (2 pts per day/total of 10pts per week/complete sentences to get full credit!).  Yellow highlights means I had to edit your data… please be careful when you complete the form! View completed warmups list (look for 3 dates since there was no school Monday– Jan 17,18,19; we will be adding the 4th date today)
            - Part 3) Do - Today students will…
            1. Complete the Weekly Reflections Form
            2. Complete any missing daily warmups (use our Daily Warm-up Form)
            3. Complete and upload your Thinkmap1.jpg and Flamepaint.jpg (which are due today!)
            4. Robotics – Complete and photograph ‘Make a name for yourself’ creations
            5. View Friday Video Clips selection
            - Part 4) Through?
            1. Try some of these other Escapemotion experiments from the creator of Flamepaint
            2. Explore Google A-Z Webpage View and try some of the links