Highlights for the week:
- View the BMS Public Calendar for this weeks events!
- Tip: Use ctrl+F and enter the date (like 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.) to jump quickly to the Blog entry for today!
- Some notes for Parents/Guardians who view this Blog:
- Everything we do in this class is listed on this Blog (so students who are absent can easily find what they’ve missed and even complete it while they are absent!)
- Nearly every assignment can be completed at home or anywhere with an internet connection (use the Paint program or a Google Drawing rather than ‘Interwrite’ where you see it on this Blog)
- Friday’s are makeup days so students who have trouble completing assignments have this extra time every week to get caught up!
- You can see examples of every project we do at this Public Examples Folder Link
Monday 6th:
- Part 1) Review (click-to-comment)
- Please check your laptop for damages and report problems to me!
- Reminder: we are still experiencing severely limited bandwidth, so please remember to stay off of video games or other bandwidth intensive activities until your assignments for the day have been completed, and even then, only during the last 10 min of class! This will allow others to work on their projects with fewer difficulties.
- The 6th Progress Reporting Period ends this Friday… last Progress Reports of the year!
- Here’s what your 103 student folder should look like: (view example folder here)
- Daily Warmup Activity: (2min timer if necessary – no talking while you complete your warmup please!)
- Please click the link below and follow the directions there!
- Here’s a sentence starter (or you can choose your own): I think ___
- Daily Warmup Response: Use the Daily Warm-up Form to record your answer
- Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/iA4mC
- Part 2) Today students will… (click-to-comment)
- Here are your reflections from last week:
- View this Prezi on our next project:
- View the Project Page for this Project
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lb3hHIvKw4ZkJ98Jm0-lwO13WQqNSJK7Z0x8HUKtF2w/pub
- Today we will work on Day 1 of the project page
- Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-to-comment)
- Project Links
- Project Prezi: http://prezi.com/xi4qhyouoyjv/positive-personality-glogster-project/
- Project Page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lb3hHIvKw4ZkJ98Jm0-lwO13WQqNSJK7Z0x8HUKtF2w/pub
- Template Glog: http://mercer432.edu.glogster.com/positivepersonality/
- Example Project Glog: http://mercer432.edu.glogster.com/positive-personality-template/
- Example Project notes GDoc (for the word Empathy): http://goo.gl/d55YR
- Additional Project Resources
- Logon to GlogsterEDU here: http://edu.glogster.com/login/
- Glogster logon info by class period: http://goo.gl/q1GFM
- Day 1: http://goo.gl/iH62K
- List of words to choose from: http://goo.gl/lhbtl
- Online Dictionary for Definition: http://www.ldoceonline.com/
- Google Translate: http://translate.google.com/
- Part 4) Through? (click-to-comment)
- Check your grades in all classes since the 6th Progress Reporting Period ends this Friday!
- Logon here to check your grades
Tuesday 7th:
- Part 1) Review (click-to-comment)
- Please check your laptop for damages and report problems to me!
- Reminder: we are still experiencing severely limited bandwidth, so please remember to stay off of video games or other bandwidth intensive activities until your assignments for the day have been completed, and even then, only during the last 10 min of class! This will allow others to work on their projects with fewer difficulties.
- Here’s what your 103 student folder should look like: (view example folder here)
- Daily Warmup Activity: (2min timer if necessary – no talking while you complete your warmup please!)
- Please click the link below and follow the directions there!
- Here’s a sentence starter (or you can choose your own): My score was ___
- Daily Warmup Response: Use the Daily Warm-up Form to record your answer
- Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/iA4mC
- Part 2) Today students will… (click-to-comment)
- Complete zone 3 of your Positive Personality Project by finding Synonyms and Antonyms for your word and using Wordle or Tagxedo to create word clouds of them. Remember to copy and paste your favorite words several times into Wordle or Tagxedo so they will show up larger in your word clouds (like the example below)
- Day 2 of the Project Page: http://goo.gl/c18xA
- Synonyms and Antonyms for your word: http://thesaurus.com/
- Word Cloud programs for your Synonyms and Antonyms:
- Wordle: http://www.wordle.net/create
- Tagxedo: http://www.tagxedo.com/app.html
- View a TED Talk on Gamification while you work on your projects
- Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-to-comment)
- Project Links
- Project Prezi: http://prezi.com/xi4qhyouoyjv/positive-personality-glogster-project/
- Project Page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lb3hHIvKw4ZkJ98Jm0-lwO13WQqNSJK7Z0x8HUKtF2w/pub
- Template Glog: http://mercer432.edu.glogster.com/positivepersonality/
- Example Project Glog: http://mercer432.edu.glogster.com/positive-personality-template/
- Example Project notes GDoc (for the word Empathy): http://goo.gl/d55YR
- Additional Project Resources
- Logon to GlogsterEDU here: http://edu.glogster.com/login/
- Glogster logon info by class period: http://goo.gl/q1GFM
- Day 1 of the Project Page: http://goo.gl/iH62K
- List of words to choose from: http://goo.gl/lhbtl
- Online Dictionary for Definition: http://www.ldoceonline.com/
- Google Translate: http://translate.google.com/
- Day 2 of the Project Page: http://goo.gl/c18xA
- Synonyms and Antonyms for your word: http://thesaurus.com/
- Word Cloud programs for your Synonyms and Antonyms:
- Wordle: http://www.wordle.net/create
- Tagxedo: http://www.tagxedo.com/app.html
- Part 4) Through? (click-to-comment)
- Check your grades in all classes since the 6th Progress Reporting Period ends this Friday!
- Logon here to check your grades
Wednesday 8th:
- Part 1) Review (click-to-comment)
- All laptops have been repaired, so please pay close attention, check your laptop for damages at the start of every lab period and report problems to me!
- Here’s what your 103 student folder should look like: (view example folder here)
- Daily Warmup Activity: (2min timer if necessary – no talking while you complete your warmup please!)
- Please click the link below and follow the directions there!
- http://prezi.com/ndcebwftmizr/308-today-warmups-w17/
- Here’s a link to view the word search: http://goo.gl/voKUN
- Here’s a sentence starter (or you can choose your own): I found ___
- Daily Warmup Response: Use the Daily Warm-up Form to record your answer
- Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/iA4mC
- Part 2) Today students will… (click-to-comment)
- Complete zone 4 of your Positive Personality Project by finding at least 3 Quotes and Sentences using your word (like the example below)
- Day 3 of the Project Page: http://goo.gl/29h2t
- Best site for quotes - Think Exist Quotes Search: http://en.thinkexist.com/
- Here’s another way to find quotes: paste the red and blue text below into Google Search with your word at the front (in place of the red text)
- your-word site:http://lifeequotes.tumblr.com/
- your-word site:http://www.brainyquote.com/
- your-word site:http://quoteseverlasting.com/
- your-word site:http://www.positivequotes.org/
- Here’s an example:
- View another video clip on Positive Gaming while you work
- Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-to-comment)
- Project Links
- Project Prezi: http://prezi.com/xi4qhyouoyjv/positive-personality-glogster-project/
- Project Page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lb3hHIvKw4ZkJ98Jm0-lwO13WQqNSJK7Z0x8HUKtF2w/pub
- Template Glog: http://mercer432.edu.glogster.com/positivepersonality/
- Example Project Glog: http://mercer432.edu.glogster.com/positive-personality-template/
- Example Project notes GDoc (for the word Empathy): http://goo.gl/d55YR
- Additional Project Resources
- Logon to GlogsterEDU here: http://edu.glogster.com/login/
- Glogster logon info by class period: http://goo.gl/q1GFM
- Day 1 of the Project Page: http://goo.gl/iH62K
- List of words to choose from: http://goo.gl/lhbtl
- Online Dictionary for Definition: http://www.ldoceonline.com/
- Google Translate: http://translate.google.com/
- Day 2 of the Project Page: http://goo.gl/c18xA
- Synonyms and Antonyms for your word: http://thesaurus.com/
- Word Cloud programs for your Synonyms and Antonyms:
- Wordle: http://www.wordle.net/create
- Tagxedo: http://www.tagxedo.com/app.html
- Day 3 of the Project Page: http://goo.gl/29h2t
- Think Exist Quotes Search: http://en.thinkexist.com/
- Here’s another way to find quotes: paste the red and blue text below into Google Search with your word at the front (in place of the red text)
- your-word site:http://lifeequotes.tumblr.com/
- your-word site:http://www.brainyquote.com/
- your-word site:http://quoteseverlasting.com/
- your-word site:http://www.positivequotes.org/
- Part 4) Through? (click-to-comment)
- Check your grades in all classes since the 6th Progress Reporting Period ends this Friday!
- Logon here to check your grades
Thursday 9th:
- Part 1) Review (click-to-comment)
- Please check your laptop for damages and report problems to me!
- Here’s what your 103 student folder should look like: (view example folder here)
- Daily Warmup Activity: (2min timer if necessary – no talking while you complete your warmup please!)
- Please click the link below and follow the directions there!
- http://prezi.com/ndcebwftmizr/308-today-warmups-w17/
- Here’s a link to view the Hidden Object Search: http://goo.gl/tfQ22
- Here’s a sentence starter (or you can choose your own): I found ___
- Daily Warmup Response: Use the Daily Warm-up Form to record your answer
- Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/iA4mC
- Part 2) Today students will… (click-to-comment)
- Continue with zone 5 of your Positive Personality Project by finding 3-5 images which are related in some way to your word (like the example below)
- Day 4 of the Project Page: http://goo.gl/29h2t Here are the Best sites for images:
- Google Image Search: http://images.google.com/
- Google Advanced Image Search: http://www.google.com/advanced_image_search
- To complete your project, create a new Presentation in your 103 Drive Folder called 6.3 Positive Personality Glog and with 7 slides. View the embedded Presentation below to see an example with instructions in green added to each slide:
- Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-to-comment)
- Project Links
- Project Prezi: http://prezi.com/xi4qhyouoyjv/positive-personality-glogster-project/
- Project Page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lb3hHIvKw4ZkJ98Jm0-lwO13WQqNSJK7Z0x8HUKtF2w/pub
- Template Glog: http://mercer432.edu.glogster.com/positivepersonality/
- Example Project Glog: http://mercer432.edu.glogster.com/positive-personality-template/
- Example Project notes GDoc (for the word Empathy): http://goo.gl/d55YR
- Example Presentation: 6.2 Positive Personality Glog http://goo.gl/1tdqw
- Additional Project Resources
- Logon to GlogsterEDU here: http://edu.glogster.com/login/
- Glogster logon info by class period: http://goo.gl/q1GFM
- Day 1 of the Project Page: http://goo.gl/iH62K
- List of words to choose from: http://goo.gl/lhbtl
- Online Dictionary for Definition: http://www.ldoceonline.com/
- Google Translate: http://translate.google.com/
- Day 2 of the Project Page: http://goo.gl/c18xA
- Synonyms and Antonyms for your word: http://thesaurus.com/
- Word Cloud programs for your Synonyms and Antonyms:
- Wordle: http://www.wordle.net/create
- Tagxedo: http://www.tagxedo.com/app.html
- Day 3 of the Project Page: http://goo.gl/29h2t
- Think Exist Quotes Search: http://en.thinkexist.com/
- Here’s another way to find quotes: paste the red and blue text below into Google Search with your word at the front (in place of the red text)
- your-word site:http://lifeequotes.tumblr.com/
- your-word site:http://www.brainyquote.com/
- your-word site:http://quoteseverlasting.com/
- your-word site:http://www.positivequotes.org/
- Day 4 of the Project Page: http://goo.gl/29h2t Here are the Best sites for images:
- Google Image Search: http://images.google.com/
- Google Advanced Image Search: http://www.google.com/advanced_image_search
- Part 4) Through? (click-to-comment)
- Check your grades in all classes since the 6th Progress Reporting Period ends Tomorrow!
- Logon here to check your grades
Friday 10th: Folder checks every Friday!
- Part 1) Review (click-to-comment)
- Please check your laptop for damages and report problems to me!
- Here’s what your 103 student folder should look like: (view example folder here)
- Friday Warmup Activity: (2min timer if necessary – no talking while you complete your warmup please!)
- Please complete the Weekly Reflections Form for this week! Please write 3 complete sentences in the big blocks of the form to get full credit!
- Friday Warmup Response:
- Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/iA4mC
- Part 2) Today students will… (click-to-comment)
- Complete any missing project work for this class (Projects 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3)
- Here’s a link to my project examples folder: http://goo.gl/QZEl6
- Here’s a snapshot of what they should look like:
- View the video clips for this week
- Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-to-comment)
- Project Links
- Project Prezi: http://prezi.com/xi4qhyouoyjv/positive-personality-glogster-project/
- Project Page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lb3hHIvKw4ZkJ98Jm0-lwO13WQqNSJK7Z0x8HUKtF2w/pub
- Template Glog: http://mercer432.edu.glogster.com/positivepersonality/
- Example Project Glog: http://mercer432.edu.glogster.com/positive-personality-template/
- Example Project notes GDoc (for the word Empathy): http://goo.gl/d55YR
- Example Presentation: 6.2 Positive Personality Glog http://goo.gl/1tdqw
- Additional Project Resources
- Logon to GlogsterEDU here: http://edu.glogster.com/login/
- Glogster logon info by class period: http://goo.gl/q1GFM
- Day 1 of the Project Page: http://goo.gl/iH62K
- List of words to choose from: http://goo.gl/lhbtl
- Online Dictionary for Definition: http://www.ldoceonline.com/
- Google Translate: http://translate.google.com/
- Day 2 of the Project Page: http://goo.gl/c18xA
- Synonyms and Antonyms for your word: http://thesaurus.com/
- Word Cloud programs for your Synonyms and Antonyms:
- Wordle: http://www.wordle.net/create
- Tagxedo: http://www.tagxedo.com/app.html
- Day 3 of the Project Page: http://goo.gl/29h2t
- Think Exist Quotes Search: http://en.thinkexist.com/
- Here’s another way to find quotes: paste the red and blue text below into Google Search with your word at the front (in place of the red text)
- your-word site:http://lifeequotes.tumblr.com/
- your-word site:http://www.brainyquote.com/
- your-word site:http://quoteseverlasting.com/
- your-word site:http://www.positivequotes.org/
- Day 4 of the Project Page: http://goo.gl/29h2t Here are the Best sites for images:
- Google Image Search: http://images.google.com/
- Google Advanced Image Search: http://www.google.com/advanced_image_search
- Part 4) Through? (click-to-comment)
- Check your grades in all classes since the 6th Progress Reporting Period ends Tomorrow!
- Logon here to check your grades
- Caution!: I have not added project grades yet, and they make up 60% of your grade for this class. If you check your grades today, they may seem artificially high and are not a good indicator of where you stand (unless you’ve turned everything in)!
- Here are links to the TED talks from Wednesday and Thursday in case you would like to view them again or share them with someone else (these are YouTube links for viewing at home):