Week4 (s15): Jan 26th–Jan 30th

Highlights for the week: 

  • View the BMS Public Calendar for this weeks events!
  • Tip: Use ctrl+F and enter the date (like 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.) to jump quickly to the Blog entry for today!
  • Some notes for Parents/Guardians who view this Blog:
    • Everything we do in this class is listed on this Blog (so students who are absent can easily find what they’ve missed and even complete it while they are absent!)
    • Nearly every assignment can be completed at home or anywhere with an internet connection using https://classroom.google.com
    • Friday’s are makeup days so students who have trouble completing assignments have this extra time every week to get caught up!
    • You can see examples of every project we do at this Public Examples Folder Link

Monday 26th:

- Part 1) Review   (click-2-comment)

  1. Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
  2. Logon here to get to your Gmail: use @student.bisdtx.org
  3. Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view example folder here)
  4. Den changes today! Here’s a view of the Den Calendar: http://goo.gl/1OSibD
  5. Daily Warmup Activity: 
  6. Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/TU5uol

- Part 2) Objectives: Today students will… (click-2-comment)

  1. Here’s how you rated last week’s programs and activities:
  2. Want extra credit in your science class??? 
    • STEAM fest will be THURSDAY evening at Bastrop High School from 6:00-8:30.  There will be science / engineering related activities for all ages.  Students who attend and bring back the scavenger hunt paper will be given extra credit in science class.
    • View announcement flyer here:  http://goo.gl/Sve9uD
  3. Please open your blank copy of the 4.9 Week4 Binder in Google Classroom and create the 1st 3 slides following the directions below
  4. Slide1: with the following
    • Master Fonts Title: http://goo.gl/Cz3ju6
    • Binder image with a transparent background
      • Search Google Images with these selections
      • image
    • Here’s my example Slide1: (click the image for a larger view)
    • image
  5. Slide2: with the following
  6. Slide3: with the following

- Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-2-comment)

  1. Here are the links you’ll need for today

- Part 4) Through?   (click-2-comment)

  1. Checkout this massive snowstorm prediction!

    Tuesday 27th:

    - Part 1) Review   (click-2-comment)

    1. Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
    2. Logon here to get to your Gmail: use @student.bisdtx.org
    3. Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view example folder here)
    4. Daily Warmup Activity: 
    5. Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/TU5uol

    - Part 2) Objectives: Today students will… (click-2-comment)

    1. Slide4:  Only 1 slide today, so if you finish early PLEASE HELP SOMEONE ELSE!
      • Here’s an example of what we’re trying to make
      • image
      • And here’s what you’ll need to make it
      • Skitches of your warmups for Mon and Tues from Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/h
      • Master Fonts: http://goo.gl/Cz3ju6
      • Happy or sad faces which show how you feel about each method (words or pictures), for example, I liked pictures better than words but I like them both, so the Image faces are the happiest
      • Flashcards link for recording your gif: http://quizlet.com/68200261/flashcards
      • Screencast-o-matic (click Start Recording and be ready for Java prompts to run this application): http://www.screencast-o-matic.com/
      • Here are the record and save settings using screencast-o-matic: (pause for only 1-Mississippi on each of the 8 images or your gif will be too big to use!)
        • image
        • Here’s how to save a recording as a gif
        • image
        • image
        • Your gif should look something like this:
        • LunarPhases

    - Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-2-comment)

    1. Here are the links you’ll need for today

    - Part 4) Through?   (click-2-comment)

    1. Checkout the latest news on the snow storm in the North East

      Wednesday 28th:

      - Part 1) Review   (click-2-comment)

      1. Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
      2. Logon here to get to your Gmail: use @student.bisdtx.org
      3. Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view example folder here)
      4. Daily Warmup Activity: 
        1. Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/TU5uol

          - Part 2) Objectives: Today students will… (click-2-comment)

          1. Complete the last 4 slides of our 4.9 Week4 Binder today and tomorrow since Friday we will be on a Field Trip to see this performance 
          2. Make your own StudyStack account and add your first 5 words using the list below 
          3. Slide5
            • Here’s my slide5 example (watch the video help above to see how to create it!)
            • image
          4. Make your own Quizlet account and add your first 5 words using the list below 
            • Video help: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/197021/Video%20Tutorials/4.9%20Project%20Videos/QuizletCreateCards.mp4
            • Quizlet signup: http://quizlet.com/
            • Click where either of the green arrows point to sign in with your Google Account
            • image
            • Blue words are terms and black words are definitions

              The force of attraction between any two objects in the universe.

              The regular rise and fall of the level of water in the ocean.

              The partial or total blocking of one object by another.

              Lunar Eclipse
              The Earth blocks the sunlight from reaching the moon. This occurs when the moon is in the full moon position.

              Solar Eclipse
              The moon blocks the sunlight from reaching the Earth. From Earth we can't see the sun. This occurs when the moon is in a new moon position.

          5. Slide6:  
            • Here’s my slide6 example (watch the video help above to see how to create it!)
            • image
          6. Slide7:  
            • Open the slide below and copy and paste everything onto your slide 7. If you are creative and would like to make your own, that’s great! …you just need one image of all of the phases and one gif of all of the phases (and labels for both like you see in my example)
            • Link to slide 7: http://goo.gl/qJzqMQ
            • Your slide 7 should look exactly like this:
            • image
          7. Slide8:  
            • Find 2 gifs (animations) which show something about ‘the moon’ and ‘the end’ (you may use my example searches below if you like). If the Bing Search Links below redirect you to Google, just search for your images there and change the ‘type’ to Animated
            • Bing example gif search for the moon: http://goo.gl/RbbiXA
            • Bing example gif search for the end: http://goo.gl/UScsPp
            • Google search options if the links above don’t go to Bing
            • image
            • Here’s my example slide8
            • Slide 8

          - Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-2-comment)

          1. Here are the links you’ll need for today

          - Part 4) Through?   (click-2-comment)

          1. Checkout your grades in all classes so you can see what your progress reports will look like before you get them

            Thursday 29th:

            - Part 1) Review   (click-2-comment)

            1. Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
            2. Logon here to get to your Gmail: use @student.bisdtx.org
            3. Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view example folder here)
            4. Daily Warmup Activity: 
              • Most of my classes tomorrow will take place during the field trip, so with that I mind we’re going to complete our weekly reflections today… our normal Thurs warmup assignment is in the next section below
              • Please complete the Weekly Reflections Form for this week!
              • Go to Google Classroom to complete the form: https://classroom.google.com
              • It should look like this:
              • image
            5. Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/TU5uol

              - Part 2) Objectives: Today students will… (click-2-comment)

              1. Please complete our 4.8 Week4 Warmups for the week in GC using the images and links below my completed example: 
              2. Please complete our 4.9 Week4 Binder assignment in GC using the directions posted on Mon, Tues and Wed above 
              3. Here’s our tentative schedule for the field trip tomorrow (details may change!!!)
                • Eat a good breakfast because lunch might be a little later than usual for you tomorrow!
                • image 

              - Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-2-comment)

              1. Here are the links you’ll need for today

              - Part 4) Through?   (click-2-comment)

              1. Checkout this performance Prezi which might take a few moments to load 

                Friday 30th: 8th Grade Field Trip

                - There won’t be regularly scheduled classes today, so for those who come to room 103, please check Google Classroom to be sure you’ve turned everything in and you may explore any of the links and activities we’ve used in class during your time in the room. Have a great weekend everyone!

                - Field trip information: (Schedule, bus assignments, adjustments to Friday’s classes)  http://goo.gl/nifozT

                - Performance Related Links: 

                - UIL participants: Good luck with the competition and I’ll see you there!  The bus leaves BMS tomorrow morning at 6:35, so don’t be late!

                …you’ll never know when you might need this!  (click the image for a larger view)
