Week12 (s15): Mar 30th–Apr 3rd

Highlights for the week: 

  • View the BMS Public Calendar for this weeks events!
  • Tip: Use ctrl+F and enter the date (like 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.) to jump quickly to the Blog entry for today!
  • Some notes for Parents/Guardians who view this Blog:
    • Everything we do in this class is listed on this Blog (so students who are absent can easily find what they’ve missed and even complete it while they are absent!)
    • Nearly every assignment can be completed at home or anywhere with an internet connection using https://classroom.google.com
    • Friday’s are makeup days so students who have trouble completing assignments have this extra time every week to get caught up!
    • You can see examples of every project we do at this Public Examples Folder Link

Monday 30th:

Today is a STAAR Testing day for 7th Grade 

  1. Here are some tips for dealing with exam stresses. Good luck 7th Graders!
  2. Please read these notes about today’s schedule
    • There will be no bells today.
    • My students in 1st, 3rd, 4th & 5th periods are to report to the small gym (7th graders will be testing in room 103)
    • 8th grade students will not be allowed in the 100 wing or at the end of the 300 hall… students must walk around these testing areas
    • image

    Tuesday 31st:

    Today is a STAAR Testing day for 7th & 8th Grade 

    1. Here are some tips for dealing with exam stresses. Good luck 7th & 8th Graders!
    2. Please read these notes about today’s schedule
      • 7th Graders will be taking STAAR Writing (Day 2)
      • 8th Graders will be taking STAAR Reading
      • There will be no bells today
      • There will be no Den today
      • Check the Cafeteria for room assignments for today’s testing sessions
      • Here’s your schedule for today
      • image

      Wednesday Apr 1st:

      - Part 1) Review   (click-2-comment)

      1. Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
      2. Logon here to get to your Gmail: use @student.bisdtx.org
      3. Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view example folder here)
      4. Daily Warmup Activity: 
        1. Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/TU5uol

          - Part 2) Objectives: Today students will… (click-2-comment)

          1. Check the Den Calendar (all days have changed): Den Calendar
          2. Open your 5.10 Week 12 Binder and add the following to your first 3 slides 
            • Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/h
            • Slide1: Title Slide with these 3 things on it
              1. Favorite Fonts Title
              2. Some sort of Star related background and a link to where you found it
              3. Some symbol or symbols that indicate that we’ve started this year’s STAAR Testing (maybe pointing to a star like my example?)
            • Here’s my example slide1
            • image
            • Slide2: Stage 7 with these 3 things on it… sign in to Code.org here first using ‘sign-in with Google: http://studio.code.org/users/sign_in 
              1. Favorite Fonts Title
              2. Your final creation on the last stage
              3. A link to Stage 7: http://studio.code.org/s/20-hour/stage/7/puzzle/1
            • Tip: Click Start Over to go back to the beginning of a stage 
            • Here’s my example Slide2
            • image
            • Slide3: Stage 9 with these 4 things on it
              1. Favorite Fonts Title
              2. Your level reached for this stage (hopefully you’ll complete it!)
              3. A link to Stage 9: http://studio.code.org/s/20-hour/stage/9/puzzle/1
              4. Your total lines of code written
                • If you complete the stage, you can capture this screen
                • image
                • If you don’t complete the stage, you can get your total from the more dropdown menu here
                • image
                • and it will look like thisimage
            • Tip: Click Start Over to go back to the beginning of a stage
            • Here’s my example Slide3
            • image

          - Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-2-comment)

          1. Here are the links you’ll need for today 

          - Part 4) Through?   (click-2-comment)

          1. Checkout this pacman game on the streets of Austin!

            Thursday 2nd:

            - Part 1) Review   (click-2-comment)

            1. Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
            2. Logon here to get to your Gmail: use @student.bisdtx.org
            3. Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view example folder here)
            4. Warmup Activity: 
              • Please complete the Weekly Reflections Form for this week!
              • Go to Google Classroom to complete the form: https://classroom.google.com
              • It should look like this:
              • image
            5. Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/TU5uol

              - Part 2) Objectives: Today students will…  (click-2-comment)

              1. Add a fun gif with your own caption to your warmup file for this week… then turn it in! 
              2. Add a Skitch of your progress through our programming course and a Title to slide 4 of this week’s binder… then delete slide 5 and turn in your binder!

              - Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-2-comment)

              1. Here are the links you’ll need for today 

              - Part 4) Through?   (click-2-comment)

              1. Checkout more pac-man maps!

                Friday 3rd: Holiday!

                -                Untitled drawing (1)

                Week11 (s15): Mar 23rd–Mar 27th

                Highlights for the week: 

                • View the BMS Public Calendar for this weeks events!
                • Tip: Use ctrl+F and enter the date (like 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.) to jump quickly to the Blog entry for today!
                • Some notes for Parents/Guardians who view this Blog:
                  • Everything we do in this class is listed on this Blog (so students who are absent can easily find what they’ve missed and even complete it while they are absent!)
                  • Nearly every assignment can be completed at home or anywhere with an internet connection using https://classroom.google.com
                  • Friday’s are makeup days so students who have trouble completing assignments have this extra time every week to get caught up!
                  • You can see examples of every project we do at this Public Examples Folder Link

                Monday 23rd:

                - Part 1) Review   (click-2-comment)

                1. Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
                2. Logon here to get to your Gmail: use @student.bisdtx.org
                3. Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view example folder here)
                4. Daily Warmup Activity: 
                  • Here are the links and directions for today’s warmup
                    • Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/h
                    • Since we start STAAR testing next week, we will concentrate our warmups on vocabulary words for the next few weeks to help you prepare for testing
                    • Practice the StudyStack Power Words list at the link below and then take the quiz until you get at least a ‘B’
                    • http://www.studystack.com/flashcard-291659
                    • image
                    • Use your favorite review activity as your link symbol to this stack. Here’s my example:
                    • image
                5. Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/TU5uol

                - Part 2) Objectives: Today students will… (click-2-comment)

                1. Here’s how you rated the week before Spring Break programs and activities:
                2. Explore (or review) basic programming with Lightbot which has built-in tutorials and lets you drag-n-drop easily to replace or rearrange commands. If you remember how to use this program, help the person next to you if they don’t or if they haven’t seen it before! 
                  • THIS NEXT LINK COULD TAKE SEVERAL MINUTES TO LOAD THE FIRST TIME, so please be patient with it!
                  • Lightbot: http://lightbot.com/hocflash.html
                  • When you see this image, click allow so you can continue where you left off tomorrow without having to repeat previous levels! 
                    • image
                  • Progress through the levels as far as you can and Skitch where you left off (to add to your Binder on Slide2 – directions below)
                3. Open your 5.8 Week11 Binder and add the following 
                  • All slides: Search for background images or gifs related to computer programming or robots and add a different background and a link to where you found it to each slide throughout this week. Here are some ideas for topics to search on (have fun exploring cool stuff going on in the world regarding robotics!) 
                  • Slide1: Title slide
                  • You should have the following 4 things on slide1
                    1. A title: 5.8 Week11 Binder
                    2. A subtitle: Basic Programming
                    3. A background image from something you found in your searches (use a different image than mine please!)
                    4. A link to where you found your background
                  • image
                  • Slide2:
                  • You should have the following 4 things on slide 2
                    1. A title: LightBot - Day1
                    2. A Skitch of your highest level reached today (best advice on the higher levels of this… run little bits at a time and add as you go along!)
                    3. An image of the LightBot homepage linked to the site: http://lightbot.com/hocflash.html
                    4. A link to where you found your background image (use a different image than mine please!)
                  • Here’s my slide2 example (Challenges: Can you color-match your shape fills, borders and texts to the LightBot screens as you see below?)
                  • Slide2

                - Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-2-comment)

                1. Here are the links you’ll need for today 
                2. Search ideas for slides backgrounds

                - Part 4) Through?   (click-2-comment)

                1. Check your grade for the 5th Progress Reports which you’ll be receiving at the end of this week
                2. STAAR Testing begins next week

                    Tuesday 24th:

                    - Part 1) Review   (click-2-comment)

                    1. Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
                    2. Logon here to get to your Gmail: use @student.bisdtx.org
                    3. Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view example folder here)
                    4. Daily Warmup Activity: 
                    5. Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/TU5uol

                    - Part 2) Objectives: Today students will… (click-2-comment)

                    1. Open your 5.8 Week11 Binder and continue adding the following 
                      • Slide3: Show the highest level you reach using LightBot
                      • Remember: Slide2 should show the highest level you reached yesterday (before you continue on today!)
                      • You should have the following things on slide3
                        1. A title: LightBot - Day2
                        2. A Skitch of your highest level reached today in Lightbot: http://lightbot.com/hocflash.html  (best advice on the higher levels of this… run little bits at a time and add as you go along!) 
                        3. A Skitch of LightBot Help from Google Slides linked to this slideshow with tips to help you solve the higher level puzzles if you need it: http://goo.gl/EiMXyJ
                        4. A link to where you found your background image (use a different image than mine please!)
                        5. If you complete level 3, capture the congratulations popup (which is a different color than my example below)
                      • Here’s my example slide3 (Challenges: Can you color-match your shape fills, borders and texts to the LightBot screens as you see below?)
                      • image
                      • Slide4: We will need earbuds or headphones for our next explorations, so please bring them to class whenever possible!
                      • bring earbuds
                      • To help you to remember, we’re going to make a slide with the coolest and best budget-priced versions of each. Here’s what you’ll need
                        1. Coolest or best quality headphones (in your opinion) and a link to where to learn more about them
                        2. Best budget-priced headphones and a link to where to learn more about them
                        3. Coolest or best quality earbuds (in your opinion) and a link to where to learn more about them
                        4. Best budget-priced earbuds and a link to where to learn more about them
                        5. A link to where you found your background image (use a different image than mine please!)
                      • Here’s my example slide4
                      • image
                    2. Once you complete slide4, find backgrounds for the rest of your slides. Again, search for background images or gifs related to computer programming or robots and add a different background and a link to where you found it to each slide throughout this week. Here are some ideas for topics to search on (have fun exploring cool stuff going on in the world regarding robotics!) 

                    - Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-2-comment)

                    1. Here are the links you’ll need for today 

                    - Part 4) Through?   (click-2-comment)

                    1. Checkout our beautiful weather forecast for the next couple of days before a cold front hits on Thursday

                      Wednesday 25th:

                      - Part 1) Review   (click-2-comment)

                      1. Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
                      2. Logon here to get to your Gmail: use @student.bisdtx.org
                      3. Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view example folder here)
                      4. Daily Warmup Activity: 
                        1. Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/TU5uol

                          - Part 2) Objectives: Today students will… (click-2-comment)

                          1. Create an account at Code.org using ‘Sign in with Google Account’. Here are the steps:
                            1. Click this link to go to the sign-in page and click ‘Sign on with Google Account’:  http://studio.code.org/users/sign_in
                              • image
                            2. Click accept
                              • image
                            3. Complete the sign up form like this
                              • image
                          2. Open your 5.8 Week11 Binder and continue adding the following 
                            • Slide5: Begin (and hopefully complete) the ‘Hour of code’ which you probably saw at the bottom of the LightBot screen on Monday. You will get a certificate from the site when you complete the activities which you will Skitch and save for tomorrow’s slide 
                            • Begin the Hour of Code block programming tutorial by clicking on this link http://studio.code.org/hoc/1 or by clicking where you see below
                              • image
                              • You should have brought earbuds to watch the video tutorials, but if you didn’t, you can read the transcripts this way
                              • image
                            • Move as far as you can through this very basic tutorial today and then add the following on slide5
                              1. A title: Hour of Code
                              2. A Skitch of the highest level you reach today
                              3. At least one comment about what you liked about the tutorial
                              4. A ‘thumbs up’ or ‘thumbs down’ symbol for whether you liked or didn’t like it overall
                              5. A link to the tutorial so you can explore more later if you’re interested: http://studio.code.org/hoc/1
                            • Here’s my example Slide5 (I’ve added noise to deter copying)
                            • image
                          3. Once you complete slide5, find backgrounds for the rest of your slides. Again, search for background images or gifs related to computer programming or robots and add a different background and a link to where you found it to each slide throughout this week. Here are some ideas for topics to search on (have fun exploring cool stuff going on in the world regarding robotics!) 

                          - Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-2-comment)

                          1. Here are the links you’ll need for today 

                          - Part 4) Through?   (click-2-comment)

                          1. Checkout more info and resources on the Hour of Code


                            Thursday 26th:

                            - Part 1) Review   (click-2-comment)

                            1. Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
                            2. Logon here to get to your Gmail: use @student.bisdtx.org
                            3. Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view example folder here)
                            4. Daily Warmup Activity: 
                            5. Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/TU5uol

                              - Part 2) Objectives: Today students will… (click-2-comment)

                              1. Open your 5.8 Week11 Binder and continue adding the following   
                                • Get Slides backgrounds here: http://www.one-tab.com/page/xVWTWYrlRbGeMgRngXfJsg
                                • Slide6: here are the 4 things you’ll need on your slide6
                                  1. A title: Hour of Code
                                  2. A Skitch of your welcome back screen as your background (which you’ll see when you click on this link and then click Sign in with Google: http://studio.code.org/users/sign_in)
                                  3. Your completed checks (which should already be part of your background… just make sure it’s included!)
                                  4. Your certificate with your name on it. If you forgot to add your name to your certificate and capture it yesterday, you can get another one here:  http://code.org/api/hour/finish
                                • Here’s my example slide6
                                • image
                                • Slide7: Continue on with Stage 5 - The Artist
                                • Stage 5 start link: http://studio.code.org/s/20-hour/stage/5/puzzle/1
                                • Here are some tips on what you’ll see
                                • image
                                • Your slide7 should have these 2 things on it
                                  1. A background showing your stage5 ‘final creation’ (mine was a tunnel of hoops) with your green stages 1-10 at the top
                                  2. A Skitch of your total progress through all stages so far (which you get from the More dropdown like you see in my example below – click on it for a larger view)
                                • Here’s my example slide7
                                • image

                              - Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-2-comment)

                              1. Here are the links you’ll need for today 

                              - Part 4) Through?   (click-2-comment)

                              1. Checkout another form of art which turn trash into sculptures!

                                Friday 27th:

                                - Part 1) Review   (click-2-comment)

                                1. Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
                                2. Logon here to get to your Gmail: use @student.bisdtx.org
                                3. Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view example folder here)
                                4. Friday Warmup Activity: 
                                  • Please complete the Weekly Reflections Form for this week!
                                  • Go to Google Classroom to complete the form: https://classroom.google.com
                                  • It should look like this:
                                  • image
                                5. Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/TU5uol

                                  - Part 2) Objectives: Today students will…  (click-2-comment)

                                  1. Read these notes about testing on Monday
                                    • There will be no bells on Monday.
                                    • My students in 1st, 3rd, 4th & 5th periods are to report to the small gym (7th graders will be testing in room 103)
                                    • 8th grade students will not be allowed in the 100 wing or at the end of the 300 hall… students must walk around these testing areas
                                    • image
                                  2. You should complete and turn-in the following today 

                                  - Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-2-comment)

                                  1. Here are the links you’ll need for today 

                                  - Part 4) Through?   (click-2-comment)

                                  1. Checkout these common-sense tips on how to reduce test-taking anxiety. Good luck with your STAAR exams next week!

                                  Week10 (s15): Mar 9th–Mar 13th

                                  Highlights for the week: 

                                  • View the BMS Public Calendar for this weeks events!
                                  • Tip: Use ctrl+F and enter the date (like 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc.) to jump quickly to the Blog entry for today!
                                  • Some notes for Parents/Guardians who view this Blog:
                                    • Everything we do in this class is listed on this Blog (so students who are absent can easily find what they’ve missed and even complete it while they are absent!)
                                    • Nearly every assignment can be completed at home or anywhere with an internet connection using https://classroom.google.com
                                    • Friday’s are makeup days so students who have trouble completing assignments have this extra time every week to get caught up!
                                    • You can see examples of every project we do at this Public Examples Folder Link

                                  Monday 9th:

                                  - Part 1) Review   (click-2-comment)

                                  1. Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
                                  2. Logon here to get to your Gmail: use @student.bisdtx.org
                                  3. Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view example folder here)
                                  4. Daily Warmup Activity: 
                                  5. Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/TU5uol

                                  - Part 2) Objectives: Today students will… (click-2-comment)

                                  1. Here’s how you rated last week’s programs and activities:
                                  2. Turn in your Google Pilot Forms for a free 90% Project Grade!
                                  3. Open your 5.6 Week10 Binder and use the backgrounds link in the notes section or below to add a different background to Slides 1&2 for today
                                  4. Make a copy of this Customize Prezi example to edit this week as we learn about, explore and record the various ways to customize a Prezi

                                  - Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-2-comment)

                                  1. Here are the links you’ll need for today 

                                  - Part 4) Through?   (click-2-comment)

                                  1. Checkout our forecast for the week, which after today is looking pretty good!

                                    Tuesday 10th:

                                    - Part 1) Review   (click-2-comment)

                                    1. Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
                                    2. Logon here to get to your Gmail: use @student.bisdtx.org
                                    3. Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view example folder here)
                                    4. Daily Warmup Activity: 
                                    5. Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/TU5uol

                                    - Part 2) Objectives: Today students will… (click-2-comment)

                                    1. Continue editing your Customize Prezi file by adding the next section   
                                    2. Open your 5.6 Week10 Binder and add backgrounds to slides 3&4 and information from this search list of reusable Prezis on your current topic in Language Arts: The Diary of Anne Frank 
                                      • List of reusable Prezis on Anne Frank: http://goo.gl/ZpnVpm 
                                      • Since these are reusable, you can make a copy and edit them for your ELA class if you like!
                                    3. Slide3
                                      • Add a background from the link in the notes section and these 3 things
                                        1. Skitch of a Prezi you like (big picture view so you can see everything) from this list: http://goo.gl/ZpnVpm
                                        2. Skitch of a closeup of your favorite part of that Prezi with an arrow from where it is located
                                        3. A link to the Prezi so you can find it again for your language Arts class
                                      • Here’s my example slide3 (click the image for a larger view)
                                      • image
                                    4. Slide4
                                      • Add a background from the link in the notes section and these 3 things
                                        1. Skitch of a different Prezi you like (big picture view so you can see everything) from this list: http://goo.gl/ZpnVpm
                                        2. Skitch of a closeup of your favorite part of that Prezi with an arrow from where it is located
                                        3. A link to the Prezi so you can find it again for your language Arts class
                                      • Here’s my example slide4 (click the image for a larger view)
                                      • image

                                    - Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-2-comment)

                                    1. Here are the links you’ll need for today 

                                    - Part 4) Through?   (click-2-comment)

                                    1. Checkout these top Science Stories from early 2015 

                                      Wednesday 11th:

                                      - Part 1) Review   (click-2-comment)

                                      1. Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
                                      2. Logon here to get to your Gmail: use @student.bisdtx.org
                                      3. Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view example folder here)
                                      4. Daily Warmup Activity: 
                                        • Here are the links and directions for today’s warmup
                                          • Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/h
                                          • image
                                          • Anne Frank Vocabulary (find any of the definitions for the words at this link): http://www.vocabulary.com/lists/24704#view=notes
                                          • Help each other to find all of the words (none of them are backwards and there are no diagonals in this puzzle)
                                          • Click the image for a larger view to Skitch
                                          • image
                                          • Challenge: Can you change the color of the vocabulary.com logo to a shade of brown like you see in my example?
                                          • Here’s my example warmup
                                          • image
                                        1. Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/TU5uol

                                          - Part 2) Objectives: Today students will… (click-2-comment)

                                          1. Turn in your Google Pilot Forms for a free 90% Project Grade!
                                          2. Continue editing your Customize Prezi file by adding the next section     
                                          3. Open your 5.6 Week10 Binder, add backgrounds to slides 5&6 and edit copies of reusable Prezis related to your current topics in Math:  https://docs.google.com/a/bisdtx.org/document/d/1UVKg4wEoLLD563a2MeSLkSWyYlx2_kZQ1EcncGIAO9w/edit#heading=h.fbska01s9g6n 
                                            • image
                                          4. Slide5
                                          5. Slide6
                                            • Add a new background from this list: http://www.one-tab.com/page/MjidCerBQ5WO2AVEJ2hRYg
                                            • Make a copy of this Prezi to edit: https://prezi.com/wnpba2jma6ap/quadratic-functions/
                                            • Skitch a ‘before’ shot (number 1 in example)
                                            • Edit your copy of the Prezi to change the theme, rearrange the shapes and change the fonts and colors
                                            • Skitch your Theme Wizard to show your edits (number 2 in example)
                                            • Skitch an ‘After’ shot (number 3 in example)
                                            • Here’s my example slide6… with different colors and all of the circle frames rearranged (you don’t need the red numbers on your slide)
                                            • image

                                          - Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-2-comment)

                                          1. Here are the links you’ll need for today 

                                          - Part 4) Through?   (click-2-comment)

                                          1. Checkout our forecast for Spring Break, which is looking pretty good!

                                            Thursday 12th:

                                            - Part 1) Review   (click-2-comment)

                                            1. Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
                                            2. Logon here to get to your Gmail: use @student.bisdtx.org
                                            3. Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view example folder here)
                                            4. Daily Warmup Activity: 
                                              • Here are the links and directions for today’s warmup
                                                • Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com/h
                                                • Find all of the objects in this hidden object search (click the image for a larger view to Skitch)
                                                • image
                                                • Search Google Images for some cool looking colored Easter Eggs to add (linked to the image URL)
                                                • Challenge: Can you make your image egg shaped?
                                                • Here’s my example warmup
                                                • image
                                            5. Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/TU5uol

                                              - Part 2) Objectives: Today students will… (click-2-comment)

                                              1. Turn in your Google Pilot Forms for a free 90% Project Grade! 
                                              2. Continue editing your Customize Prezi file by adding the Thursday and Friday sections 
                                                • Open your Copy of Customize Prezi from yesterday
                                                • Your Prezis: https://prezi.com/your/ 
                                                • Skitch the 3 steps for changing your background to the fourth Sticky Note and title it: Thurs – Edit Background
                                                • Here’s my example
                                                • image
                                                • Search for an image of your favorite Spring Break activity (like favorite video game , or book, or movie you would like to see) to add to the fifth and final sticky note and title it: Friday – Favorite Break! 
                                                • Here’s my example
                                                • image
                                              3. Open your 5.6 Week10 Binder and complete your final two slides 7&8 according to the directions below
                                              4. Slide7
                                                • Add a different background from this Slide Backgrounds List: http://www.one-tab.com/page/MjidCerBQ5WO2AVEJ2hRYg 
                                                • Search Reusable Prezis for Civil War Battles: Click Here
                                                • image
                                                • Make a copy of one you like and choose Edit
                                                • Add a frame with 2 Likes and another with 2 Ideas for improving the Prezi. Here’s my example slide7 (click image for larger view)
                                                • image
                                              5. Slide8:
                                                • Add a different background from this Slide Backgrounds List: http://www.one-tab.com/page/MjidCerBQ5WO2AVEJ2hRYg 
                                                • Add a Skitch of your Copy of Customize Prezi
                                                • Link your Skitch to your Prezi… here’s how to get your link
                                                • image
                                                • Here’s my example slide8
                                                • image

                                              - Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-2-comment)

                                              1. Here are the links you’ll need for today 

                                              - Part 4) Through?   (click-2-comment)

                                              1. Check your grades in all classes since tomorrow is the last day of the 5th Progress Reporting period!

                                                Friday 13th: Last day of the 5th Progress Reporting Period!

                                                - Part 1) Review   (click-2-comment)

                                                1. Please check your workstation for damages and report problems to me!
                                                2. Logon here to get to your Gmail: use @student.bisdtx.org
                                                3. Here’s what your assignments should look like: (view example folder here)
                                                4. Friday Warmup Activity: 
                                                  • Please complete the Weekly Reflections Form for this week!
                                                  • Go to Google Classroom to complete the form: https://classroom.google.com
                                                  • It should look like this:
                                                  • image
                                                5. Check for new click-to-comments and my responses to them (blue highlights are new responses!): http://goo.gl/TU5uol

                                                  - Part 2) Objectives: Today students will…  (click-2-comment)

                                                  1. Turn in your Google Pilot Forms for a free 90% Project Grade! 
                                                  2. The 5th Progress Reporting Period ends today! Please ensure you have turned in assignments 5.1-5.5 today! 

                                                  - Part 3) Help with today’s assignments! - (click-2-comment)

                                                  1. Here are the links you’ll need for today 

                                                  - Part 4) Through?   (click-2-comment)

                                                  1. Check your grades in all classes since today is the last day of the 5th Progress Reporting period!
                                                  2. Have a great…
